So....who has had a covid vaccine?

Ask your doctor about shingrix and covid vaccines given near the same time. I doubt there will be any issues. I received my flu shot same day as shingrix. Second shingrix shot should be given 2-6 months after the first.

Thereā€™s an article in todayā€™s LA Times saying that 20 to 40% of healthcare workers are refusing to take the vaccine in LA County, which has been very hard hit. The number is 50% in adjacent Riverside County.

The refusal rate is not broken down by who is refusing the vaccine; whether they are nurses, doctors, therapists, etc.

Are they being altruistic and letting someone else get the vaccine, or just stupid?

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Or maybe they have a good reason~ donā€™t be so quick to call someone stupid.

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Iā€™m not being snarky but sincerely wonder. What do people think is a good reason not to get the vaccine?

I talked to my bil today, heā€™s a physician. He is so happy and delighted to receive the vaccine.

I do understand that part of the population is anti vaccine, maybe I donā€™t know, but 30-50% of people seems like a lot for that reason.

Common reasons given or cited (whether or not they are ā€œgoodā€) for not wanting to get the vaccine, according to KFF COVID-19 Vaccine Monitor: December 2020 | KFF :

Other reasons (in table 1 of the linked page) include 43% ā€œThe risks of COVID-19 are being exaggeratedā€, 37% ā€œDonā€™t trust vaccines in generalā€, 35% ā€œDo not trust the health care systemā€, 27% ā€œWorried that they may get COVID-19 from the vaccineā€, 20% ā€œDonā€™t think they are at risk of getting sick from COVID-19ā€.

And with this ā€œreasonsā€ not to get the vaccine, I donā€™t know if our 2021 will be the road to return to normal that many think it will be. I think the country should adopt the word ā€œempathyā€ in 2021.

D2 is a grad student in a health profession that starts a new clinical Monday. She just got an email from her university program that they are to be considered in group 1A since they have face to face patient (non-covid) contact. Not much detail but I sure hope they donā€™t have to all drive back to their university city (many have been placed out of city for this rotation) to get it - though she 100% would.


Around here itā€™s a combo of not trusting the govā€™t coupled with the belief that Covid just isnā€™t that bad even if you get it for most people.

People are starting to die more now in our area. Time will tell if that changes opinions or not.

I have read that sometimes already prepared vials after appointments of vaccinations are done are put out first come to people to make sure all doses are dispensed and not wasted.

Not every body is disorganizedā€“some places are set to work in assembly line fashionā€“intake registration/paperwork person, the immunizers and people preparing the doses.

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Thanks for the replies why people are not vaccinating.

I wonder if this new more transmissible variant will change peopleā€™s minds.

Glad to hear that your daughter is high on the list @abasket. She will be at risk unfortunately of catching Covid.

We know people who have contracted Covid and had a very mild case. They tell us (some of them) they donā€™t know why people think itā€™s a big deal. Most of them were not careful before catching Covid.

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I hope this isnā€™t considered off topic, but I have to wonder - the people ( or people who know people) who got the vaccine because they were in the right place at the right time (like, there were extra doses that would otherwise go to waste) - is there a system in place to make sure they can get the second dose at the appropriate time?

@O2BonCC Iā€™ve been told that I will be scheduling my second shot either at the site or immediately after.

Our agency used VAMS (Vaccine Administration Management System) which I believe is through the CDC. We had to set up accounts, and fill in all of our info online. Then choose a site, date and time. A QR code and confirmation were sent to us. To schedule the second shot, we log back into the system and do the same. Iā€™ll probably do that while Iā€™m sitting being monitored for 20 minutes after receiving the vaccine.

Is anyone else using this VAMS?

Nurse friend who posted on FB that she wouldnā€™t get the vaccine (too new, unproven, sheā€™s got good immunity, (yada , yada ) posted today that she received it.

My office got notified yesterday that we could call and sign up for an appt. We go the 9th for #1, Feb 6 for #2. In Michigan, all priority 1 groups run through hospital systems or county health dept. Each county seems to be on their own time table, but it appears most dentists and staff will be complete by the end of January. My officeā€™s county is small, so we all go to the health dept.

So excited! Itā€™s getting real!


Iā€™m a nurse and the health care workers I know who are not getting it are either pregnant or trying to conceive. Their main concern right now is a healthy baby and not Covid.

90-something percent sure Iā€™ll get it when my name comes up. I should be group !b. The specialist most concerned with my getting the vaccine did a good job of convincing me.

Why the hesitation? Frankly, all that we do NOT know about this shot- how long protection lasts, what happens when it wears off. I have not yet gone back to do an in-depth review, vetting particular sources to my satisfaction. But some reports say 6 months, some say 3 months. (Or whatever number youā€™ve seen.) If thatā€™s so (and it may not be,) about the time some are getting their first shot, are others having the preventative effects wear off?

Recently, theyā€™ve said the new strain is not a special risk. But Iā€™d like to know what thatā€™s based on.

And it bugs me that so many (including some on CC) see the shot as a panacea-- get the shot and you can play again. But as a population, if we donā€™t continue vigilance to some logical/statistically approved end point, then what? (Similar is how people are planning vacations, when we have no idea when things will be safe. Or looking to next Aug/Sept and half assuming the school year calendar can dictate.)

You may find these questions I have to be naive or stubborn. But Iā€™m just sharing thoughts. I expect to go back for more research of my own, to learn more.


When I registered for my covid vaccine they asked me if I had had any vaccine of any kind in the last 2 (or maybe 3, I forget) months. So it might be prudent to check to see if you can get the covid now, since you need to get the second shingrix anyway.

All the HC workers in my extended family (MDs) who were entitled to get shots for them have been glad to get their shots. My nephews and nieces are having to wait until Tuesday but going as soon as theyā€™re scheduled. The dentists arenā€™t being given the same priority as other HC Providers, tho they do work in close contact with unmasked patients.

We have no idea when enough vaccine will be available for anyone in our state beyond HC Workers and nursing home residents & staff.

Our CVS says they havenā€™t received word when they will get any vaccine and their pharmacists donā€™t know when they will get shots and my MDs have no idea either when they will get vaccine.

I canā€™t get the covid shot yet. In CT, where I live, my cohort (over 65 but under 75; nothing else special going on) will be starting probably in late January. Hmmm. Maybe then Iā€™ll delay the second Shingrex shot until after covid. I can get the Shingrex as late as May 18 and it will still be within the six-month window.

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That might be prudent. I cant recall if they asked if Iā€™d had any vaccine in the last two vs 3 mos, but they did ask.

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