So....who has had a covid vaccine?

I only know health care workers here in Massachusetts that have gotten the vaccine. Everyone I know wants to be vaccinated asap. I wonder if this will play out differently in different parts of the country based on politics. A friend worked on the vaccine and says non risk factor people should be able to get it in April in Mass. But I feel like I have gotten optimistic information from people that supposedly knew what was going on that hasn’t panned out.

Something to be aware for people with facial fillers,

“The Moderna COVID-19 vaccine, which was given emergency use authorization in the US on December 18, may cause some side effects in people who have facial fillers, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has reported.”
Most cases were taken care of by steroids.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information Hub

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Well, that’s a new wrinkle. :stuck_out_tongue:


My HCP kid says some people in their group who mentioned concerns were wondering about the long term effects, an answer we cannot possibly, yet, know.

Most in our family will willingly take the vaccine. But I’m concerned for daughters of child-bearing age (pregnant or not).


My 28 weeks pregnant DIL had her Covid vaccine today. We researched it and she and her doctor felt like it was in her best interest.


I scheduled my vaccine for the morning of Thursday, Jan. 21. I could have gotten it as early as Dec. 29 but the timing didn’t work for me. I wanted early morning so flipped through available times till I landed on the time I wanted.

I’m in TX - slightly over 65 - no underlying conditions.

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Ignatius - where are you in Texas? I’m in Austin and there seems to be absolutely no place to sign up unless you are a health care worker. I’m trying to get vaccinated within the next week or so because my son and only grandchild can visit in February during his winter break. Not seeing a 2 year old for a year is like not seeing an adult for 20 years! This is so frustrating. This is in the capital city.

My daughter goes to college in Texas so I was just looking at their vaccine policies today. As of right now it looks like you need to be in groups 1A and 1B to get the vaccine. At this point there are no decisions about who gets it next. Unless you have one of the underlying health issues listed below you will not be able to get it yet. This is not unique to Texas. Where I live they have not moved beyond health care and long term care workers.

This is cut and pasted from the Texas DSHS website:

If you are a front-line healthcare worker or resident of a long-term care facility, you are eligible now to receive the vaccine, since December 14. This group is considered Phase 1A.

If you are in Phase 1B, you are also eligible to get the COVID-19 vaccine, depending on availability and the vaccine provider. Vaccine supply remains limited, but more vaccine will be delivered to providers each week. Phase 1B recipients include:

  • People 65 years of age and older
  • People 16 years of age and older with at least one chronic medical condition that puts them at increased risk for severe illness from the virus that causes COVID-19, such as but not limited to:
    • Cancer
    • Chronic kidney disease
    • COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)
    • Heart conditions, such as heart failure, coronary artery disease or cardiomyopathies
    • Solid organ transplantation
    • Obesity and severe obesity (body mass index of 30 kg/m2 or higher)
    • Pregnancy
    • Sickle cell disease
    • Type 2 diabetes mellitus

It will take quite a while to get through Phase IB in Texas. I don’t know how Texans compare to the US population in total, but those over 65 are around 15-16% of the US population, and obese individuals represent 40% of all adults. Add in the rest of the at risk conditions and I expect that Phase IB is over 50% of the Texas population of 16+ year olds. (and 16/17 year olds can only get the Pfizer vaccine, not Moderna’s)…and you still haven’t gotten to teachers yet.

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I am in group 1B, but there is not a single place in Austin to get the vaccine or sign up for it, despite the state sending out the public message days ago that it is available to all of groups 1A and 1B. Austin is a very young city, so the number of people over 65 shouldn’t be much of an issue here. The lack of organization and centralization is appalling in our city right now.

Can people get it thru their doctor in Texas?

75 y/o Texan parents are getting Moderna tomorrow through county health department that set up vaccine clinic in Civic Center for 1a, 1b folks. Their Dr and pharmacy has not gotten the vaccines yet…they are on waiting list. But I don’t want them waiting.

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Okay - I’m in Houston TX - Phase 1B: 65 or older (I have no medical conditions.)

On Monday Dec. 28, I got an email from the medical group in which the doctor from whom I get my yearly physical practices. Because I fall in Phase 1B, the email basically gave instructions on how to sign up for the vaccine (online) and I did so. The first time opening was the next day and then scattered times throughout the next few weeks. I wanted early morning so just flipped through till I found what I wanted. I understand the time slots filled quickly. I responded within 30 minutes of getting the email because I was online at the time.

However Houston also had this going this weekend: Mayor Turner Announces Houston Health Department Opening of COVID-19 Vaccine Site for the Public

Note over 1000 people vaccinated Saturday and Sunday’s time slots were full. (Houston is the world’s largest medical center so maybe … )

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Here is a map of places that are giving vaccines in TX.
For each place they list number of vaccines were delivered and what kind. I would just call each place to see how to sign up.
I am in NYC and my doctor is part of a large hospital network. They have informed me that they would inform me when it is my turn to get the vaccine. I was able to get a Covid test at their facility with no wait and got the result back in 12 hours.

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Oldfort, similar in that my specialist indicated they would coordinate and inform me. I’m 1B. Crickets. Maybe that’s ok, one day I’ll suddenly see the ball IS rolling. In the meantime, I wait. (I’ll likely dig for more public info in the next few days.)

I sent a message to my internist. So far in our state only healthcare providers and nursing home residents and staff are getting vaccinations. I guess I will send a message to my lung doc at some point. I believe my H and my mom should get vaccinated before me as both are > 75 yrs. I’m the group after them—pre-existing condition.

Typing too fast. I meant to say “I was able to get a Covid test.” I didn’t get Covid. :slight_smile:

@oldfort You can edit your original if you click on the pencil/pen icon.

I got an email from the agency I work for–kind of a Jewish version of Catholic Charities in NYC and environs–asking if I would like the vaccine if they can facilitate it. I am a therapist mostly doing telehealth but I spend one day a week in the office where have masked and/or socially distant contact with maybe 10 people there and see 2-3 clients per month.

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