So....who has had a covid vaccine?

I’m waiting, at least until October, probably November. The cold weather bringing folks indoors is prime time for respiratory virus spread. I want to have maximum immunity then.

@mominva thanks. I am having an autoimmune flare which is another factor. I just cancelled my appointment for now! I will still wear a mask in stores, medical appointments etc.


I just had #6. Traveling a lot in July; #5 was last September. I had Pfizer this time because that was what Walgreens had in stock. All others were Moderna. No side effects.

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My pulmonologist advised not to bother with the current bivalent as it doesn’t match the variants now circulating. (I had already gotten the shot.) She is also an intensive care doc and said whatever is going around now is not putting a lot of people in the hospital. Some weeks they have nobody in intensive care with Covid.

This is true. The state of MA releases numbers once a week and last week there were only 12 covid patients in intensive care in the entire state.

Last week I saw my pulmonologist who advised me to get the current bivalent vaccine asap; it will be a while before the new one is out and she said the current strain is close enough to what the bivalent covers that it couldn’t hurt and may help. I wear a mask in any iffy indoor situation, including when I meet with psychotherapy clients in the office, and I give them a KN94 to wear as well. I had no reaction except a little fatigue from any of the previous 5 shots.

I will likely get it tomorrow at a non-chain pharmacy; they carry Moderna.

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I hope you have been feeling decently well as of late. And if it was recommended, yep, get the shot!

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Thanks for asking. I’ve been feeling pretty good. Of course it’s always something: severe venous insufficiency in both legs but the vascular specialist said they will zap it with lasers and I will be fine. What a drag it is getting old!

I got mine (#6–2nd moderna bivalent) as soon as it was available in March because last one was 9/19 and we were traveling—to Japan and going to be on a tour bus and planes, trains & subways.

I have had PPMMMM.

I figure I will be due for #7 when it’s available, hopefully before S’s Oct wedding.

I don’t know anything about imprinting, just know I have not had any infections since 2019 (normally get 1-6 infections/year). Yay!

I also generally mask indoors with KF94 mask and limit exposure to large indoor crowds. I also use enovid antiviral nasal spray before and after exposures to crowds.