So will I get in?

<p>I'm really hoping I'll make it in as NWU is my top choice, and I know I'm in the right ballpark but...</p>

<p>White male from maryland
Electrical engineering major</p>

<p>4.00 Unweighted GPA</p>

<p>32 ACT</p>

<p>740CR/700M SAT</p>

<p>SAT 2s:
Chemistry: 710
Physics: 710
Math 2: 680
Bio M: 640</p>

<p>Sports: Baseball, distance running</p>

<p>EC wise I have a few clubs that I've been in forever, one president of.
I'm in one science program where I do original research over the school year under a mentor.</p>

<p>I've volunteered at the local library for a few years.</p>

<p>I think I wrote pretty strong essays, and I've shown interest in NWU by visiting and talking to admissions.</p>

<p>So without droning on forever, how am I looking?</p>

<p>don’t let many people catch you calling it ‘NWU’ - it’s ‘NU’ or so I’ve been told lol</p>

<p>I’m not good at judging homeschooled students, but yeah, you definitely have quite a good shot with those scores. :)</p>