<p>I have been accepted into both Emory and Pepperdine. Right now those are my top two schools. I intend to major in business. I realize that they are very different schools (and Emory is ranked higher). What have you heard about both schools and how do you think they compare (in academics, students, location, programs, sports, professors, intangibles, ...)? Any help would be great!</p>
<p>Anything I say about Pepperdine would be hearsay as I've never been there before. It's certainly a beautiful campus. I'd be concerned with commuting students and lack of focus because of the beach and it's allure. But post on the Pepperdine site to ask that question.</p>
<p>According to my teacher Pepperdine is very very religious, there isn;t even dancing allowed on the campus. If that is ur thing go there, otherwise it can be a bit stifling.</p>