<p>Thiswas touched on a bit in a thread about spending money awhile back, but I found it to be an interesting enough topic to warrant its own thread.</p>
<p>I went to a huge public HS with a definitely "money" culture to it. While there were probably some lower income kids, it was not uncommon for kids to drive luxury cars like BMWs, Lexus, Infiniti, etc. (albiet many were used/ hand me downs) and designer clothes were more common than not (even the less fashion-conscious kids sometimes owned some Abercrombie and Fitch). The kids were by and large very nice and accepting, but the student body in general definitely reflected money (for better or worse).</p>
<p>My university is completely different. I have yet to run into a single luxury car or even a recognizable A&F tee. Almost all the kids here work (I'm trying to get a job myself) and a lot of the kids are on Pell Grants. The cuture here definaitely has a different feel to it. People pretty much wear whatever they want, go shopping less, etc. It's difficult to put into words, but in general, there seems to be far less pressure to buy and spend and do expensive things.</p>
<p>How do the socio-economics of your kid's school differ from that of their HS? Does this affect the social scene or feel of the school? If so, how?</p>