<p>I will only be a freshman at McGill next year but I can not stop thinking ahead. So far the plan is to pursue an honours (highly concentrated) degree in Sociology with a minor in Intl Relations. I am studying to be trilingual so I will most definitely work that to my advantage.
Here are my three grad school options:
International Relations
International Business
International Law</p>
<p>how is the job security for these three fields?</p>
<p>Back to the original topic.. am I screwing myself by majoring in sociology? In other words, will I be behind the poli sci majors if I end up in Law or IR..? or behind the business/econ majors if i go the business route?? </p>
<p>Before i get the "do what you want" answers, I would like to say that sociology attracts me more than any other social science. However, I think I am more attracted to getting the most out of 4 years of studies.</p>
<p>appreciate any input</p>
<p>My degree is in sociology and I went on to med school. I don't think you are going to be at a disadvantage at all. You will have a very different perspective than the others. If you are at all interested in working with the underclass/underprivilaged then I would think that you would be at a distinct advantage.</p>
<p>For example: International business - one of the hot topics that I'm aware of is the development of microloans to individuals in foreign countries. Basically they are loans of amounts as little as $25 maybe up to $500 for individuals to use as initial capital for their own small businesses. Most people lack the capital to start a business, and lack the necessary credit/social capital to garner a loan from a normal bank, leaving them in poverty. A sociology degree will give you the knowledge to understand the effects, the reasons and benefits from developing a program like this and so on.</p>
<p>The other good thing, particularly you are going to be taking a lot of language courses, is sociology is typically a rather relaxed major, and one that doesn't require an absolute ton of course work (my major was only 30 hours), so that will give you the freedom of your schedule to get everything done that you want.</p>
or behind the business/econ majors if i go the business route??
<p>To get an MBA you have to have work experience, so you definitely wouldn't be behind the business/econ majors.</p>