SOM Grade Deflation?

Hi I just had a question for current SOM students. I am planning on attending Bing in the fall as a junior (transfer) but I was reading on Bings website about this whole grade deflation thing. I was wondering if they hold true to this policy and how hard is it to be in the 3.5 - 4.0 Range at Bing. Thanks!

“In order to combat grade inflation, the Finance group at the School of Management has agreed to limit the number of “A” and “A-” grades awarded in their classes. “A” grades will only be awarded to students who display exceptionally high levels of understanding in all aspects of the course and who are able to critically think of broader issues in the field. The number of “A” grades awarded will be limited to at most 10 percent of the class, and “A-” grades will be limited to about 15 percent. Students attempting to answer questions primarily through rote memory without understanding the material will obtain grades of “C” or below. The class GPA will be posted online starting Spring 2014.”

Binghamton does not have grade deflation! Even if the finance classes hold the % of A’s to a certain level, none of the other courses do so grades are very high and 4 credits are given for 3 hours. The classes have no more outside the classroom work then other 3 credit SUNY classes. About that,

@lostaccount Thanks for the info! I just worry because I will be majoring in finance and I’ve heard it’s really hard to get an a/a- in that major.

Someone with specific info about finance should weigh in here.

10 percent of finance students can get As

Well if only 10% of the students in each SOM class (is that what you are saying ilovedogs521?) can be assigned an A and if students in probation status (which I’m using to refer to all those needing a certain GPA to get or stay in a program) must have a 3.5 and if they must take SOM classes, the best bet is to avoid BInghamton! Funny because Binghamton students are known to be excessively grade focused and to freak if they don’t get an A. There must be a lot of angst or a lot of A-'s in SOM. It is hard to believe that SOM only allows 10% of a class to get As. Does that include A-'s? How many A-'s are allowed?

A-'s make up only 15% at most from what I read. Which is really frustrating, because if there are 100 students and 20 of them are doing at least A- level work (e.g. 90+ for grade in the class), how on earth does the college justify only giving 15 of those students an A/A-? Not that GPA is the end of the world, but it’s certiantly a massive deterrent for attending the institution if you’re looking for a top notch job after graduation, or entry into the fast track MBA program.

I’ve never heard of that stipulation Collegeyadayada. That constraint isn’t imposed on students in the general pool. If it were, the whining would be unbearable. This is a college where “I should get an A cause I came to most classes.” wouldn’t be laughed at by others in the class.

lostaccount, I am laughing because I have a son who is in high school as well. He is only a sophmore but is thinking of business etc. Accounting in particular. I think it is absolutely nuts to put that pressure on oneself and go to SOM and have to worry about grade inflation. Go to suny Albany, Buffalo etc. They are just as good!!! I do not care if bing is rated number 24 or whatever and Albany is rated 36, does it really matter?? Sheesh, if you want to go into investor banking, you are going to need an ivy or close to that to get a front office position. Not always, I am sure there are a few folks from bing or albany that may land a front office job, but it is few and far between.

Also, as I have stated here before, if a high school kid gets into harpur, there is no guarantee that he or she will get into the SOM as a transfer. Why go through that hell?? No offense , but Bing is not Wharton, or Cornell so just go to Suny Albany, believe me, it is just as good in business, yes business, and suny buffalo is excellent as well.

collegeyada, Did you look into suny albany?? They have an excellent business school. Also Suny Buffalo has an excellent business school. I think BING is an excellent school, but look into albany. They are ranked not far from bing, but who really cares about ranking? If that is the be all and end all, you should only go to HARVARD, MIT, YALE WHARTON, U OFCHICAGO,STANFORD, CORNELL, COLUMBIA ETC ETC. No offense, but SUNY bing is not in that league so you might as well look into suny albany, buffalo etc since they give the best bang for the buck. Also look into Baruch. Excellent business school as well.

@euve69 You are quite right, ranking is arbitrary. I know plenty of people who went to ivy leagues who have mediocre jobs and plenty at state schools who have high paying jobs. At the the end of the day, it is what you make of it. That being said, I have already committed to BING and will attend in the fall, I was merely inquiring about the grading policy.

The 10% As I was referring to is only for finance classes. The other SOM classes that I have been in so far don’t have the same standards

So finance majors taking mostly finance courses have substantially lower GPAs then those in other business majors?

@lostaccount Yeah, you could look at it that way but in reality you won’t take a ton. Maybe 4 or 5 while you are here I think

@ilovedogs521 Probably just going to change my major in SOM to be honest lol

@Collegeyadayada if you actually want to study finance don’t do that lol

Were you in finance before?