<p>Sooo I have a bit of a dilemma. I'm moving for the second time during high school this summer (I moved last summer as well). This move isn't as drastic as the last one, it's only two hours away whereas last year I moved across the country. But obviously I still have to switch schools.:( My parents are letting me decide which school I want to go to this coming school year. I've pretty much narrowed it down to three options.</p>
<p>School A:
-Small school (800 students)
-API (State testing stuff) of 896 out of a possible 1000
-Has an optional 7th period making scheduling a bit easier
-Close-ish my Dad's workplace
-Not very sports oriented
-Blue Ribbon School
-Not a lot of course offerings (No BC Calc or AP Chem :/)
-Low average ACT score (24)
-Not as competitive as School B
-Less extracurriculars/achievements than School B but still a fairly reputable school</p>
<p>School B:
-High average SAT and ACT scores (1800 and 28)
-API of 813
-Very competitive and has very rigorous academics.
-LOTS of achievements/extracurriculars
-Seemingly the most nerdy school ^_^
-Not particularly sports oriented
-Runs on a six period day, which I can deal with.
-Pretty far away from my Dad's work place
-Only has IB classes which I really don't meet all the prerequisites for, so my class schedule will be all messed up. I'm not sure if I'll be able to take all the classes required to get an IB diploma. :(
-Large-ish with 1800 students (although I think can deal with this)</p>
<p>School C (The one my Dad wants me to go to):
-Very close to my Dad's work place
-New school, so it will most likely have nice facilities. However, it probably isn't very well known since it is so new.
-API of 791 (Doesn't meet the state's goal of 800)
-Only has four or five classes a day. (Not on block schedule) :/
-Seemingly more sports oriented than Schools A and B
-Doesn't seem as academically rigorous as Schools A and B
-Large-ish with around 1700 students I believe</p>
<p>I pretty much based all the pros and cons off of the schools I've attended in the past. My goal is to try to pick the school that is the most similar to my old schools; academic schools where sports aren't emphasized as much. </p>
<p>So which school do you guys think I should choose? :) </p>
<p>Oh and sorry this post is so huge...I got a bit carried away. ^_^;</p>
<p>Why does proximity to your Father’s workplace matter? Does he have to provide transportation?</p>
<p>If I were you, I would pick School A
I like small schools lol. But it seems like you prefer School B.</p>
<p>Aj39vn23cf2: Yeah and all the schools except for school A require that the student lives nearby to attend the school, so my Dad would have a pretty long commute to work everyday.</p>
<p>FantasyVesperia: Yeah, I think I do prefer school B a bit more, but the class scheduling would be difficult. I prefer small schools too ^_^, my first high school only had around 1,000 students and I was comfortable with that, but then I transferred to the school I went to last year that had like 2,200 students and I nearly went insane.</p>
<p>Thanks for the responses! :)</p>
<p>Have you visited the 3 schools you have listed? Visiting the schools will help you determine which one you want to go to. </p>
<p>In my opinion, it doesn’t matter which school you go to. All of them are very good and you can still get into a good college regardless of which one you choose to go to. </p>
<p>I would listen to your parents and choose school C.</p>
<p>Literature: I’ve only visited the first school and it seems pretty nice. I’ll be going to see the other two this weekend. They are all really good schools, and I know I’ll do fine wherever I end up going.
The main problem I have with school C is the fact that they only have 5 classes a day, which doesn’t really help with scheduling since I’ll probably have to make up for certain graduation requirements that differ from the school I go to now.</p>
<p>I’d go with school A. sucks that you had to move</p>
<p>How far in minutes are each of the schools?</p>
<p>Izzy Busy Bee: Thanks!
I did like school A a lot when I visited it. Yeah moving really sucks.
Especially twice in two years…</p>
<p>Aj39vn23cf2: Uhh school A is about 15 minutes away from my Dad’s workplace, school B is anywhere from 30-40 minutes depending on traffic, and school C is 10 minutes away. </p>
<p>Overall school A seems like the most practical choice, but my Dad’s colleague’s son was telling my Dad he shouldn’t send me there because it’s “a bad school” although he didn’t specify why he considered it to be bad.</p>
<p>10, 15, 30+…normally I’d go ahead and tell you the normal stuff about rigor, teacher quality, and all that and recommend going to school B, but if it’s 30 minutes or more away from your Father’s workplace just think about it. If you choose that school, you’ll add more than a half an hour (and probably much more than that, depending on how far the school is from you) to his commute every day. Seeing as how your Dad really wants you to choose the closest school, I would recommend NOT going to school B. Adding that much time to his commute would be (at the very least) slightly selfish, especially if there are reasonable alternatives nearby (which there are). I’m sorry, but there are no other ways to put it; if your father has to provide transportation you need to think about him, as well.</p>
<p>Now, in terms of deciding A or C, here’s a question: Are you a BMoC student? I go to a slightly less than reputable public school, but because I have excess intrinsic motivation I’ve succeeded in terms of standardized tests regardless, and I have a much easier time taking advantage of pretty much any opportunity I want. That may be an advantage of going to C. But that’s risky and requires a lot of luck - in addition, new facilities + weak academics = sports oriented pretty much every time. I would recommend School A because of its smaller size/more rigorous nature/relatively close distance.</p>
<p>School A. Though, you might want to see if you can take the bus to school B.</p>
<p>Yeah it is selfish of me to ask my Dad to drive that much every day. I was hoping we could find a house somewhere halfway in between while still in that school district so I could drive myself to school and my Dad wouldn’t have to drive a ridiculous amount everyday. I’ll be getting my license just before school starts, but my Dad doesn’t want me driving on highways so we’d still have to live somewhat close by for that plan to work. The distance between his workplace and the school is actually only 17 miles but rush hour traffic…</p>
<p>I see your point with school C, but I’d rather go to a more intellectual school regardless because I’d feel more comfortable there. So yeah it seems like everyone’s recommending school A.
Thanks for the advice.</p>
<p>ClassOf2015HS: There aren’t any school buses for school B, and my Dad’s a bit hesitant about letting me take the city bus.</p>
<p>Just curious, why is he hesitant to let you take the city bus?</p>
<p>He thinks it’s dangerous. I took the city bus to school last year, but we live in a medium-sized city. We’re moving to larger city now, so he questions the safety of the public transportation system there.</p>
<p>I would personally go with School A, but it would be good to go see the other schools first before you make your decision. If I was a student into sports, I would choose school C because the class load is light, they are more sport-oriented than than the other schools, and the school is newer, so that usually means newer sports equipment. If I was a very academic person, I would choose school B because of its rigor, but I like smaller, decent ranged schools. The school isn’t so rigorous that I’m not going to be left behind in school academics (like GPA class ranking, etc.). I’m smart, but I’m far from a genius.</p>
<p>Well the school I went to last year (sophomore year) is equal in academics to school B…actually it might even be more rigorous than school B. The school I went to freshman year wasn’t quite as intense, but still fairly rigorous especially considering how bad the rest of the schools in the city were. The transition between those two schools was pretty difficult for me; I struggled in math a bit at the beginning of the year but still ended up with a 3.92 GPA at the end of it all, so I think I can handle school B. I am a bit worried about weighted GPA and class rank because the school I went to last year didn’t have either of those, so I don’t know how my new school will convert my grades and rank me.</p>