Some Random Questions (UArts, Not Academic Related)

<p>I have some questions for those who are currently attending UArts. I went to the Open House recently, but there are still some things I’m wondering (or didn’t get a chance to hear).</p>

<p>1.) Can guys and girls room together in the dorms? I swear that one of the rooms we toured in the Pines building had guys and girls in it, because one room (with one bed) had guys’ stuff in it and the other looked really girly (had a single and a bunk bed). But I don’t want to jump to conclusions.</p>

<p>2.) The technology fee you pay is for the school to give you a laptop, right? Is it a normal MacBook, or is it a MacBook Pro?</p>

<p>3.) What comes with the kitchens in the dorms? Are pots/pans, utensils, blenders, microwaves, and etc. included? Or do you have to provide those yourself?</p>

<p>4.) Do you get to choose which dorm building you stay in? I’m confused about this because I’ve read somewhere that it was determined through a lottery system, but that was only after the first year, or something like that. Can you please clear this up for me?</p>

<p>If you can answer any of my questions, it’ll be heavily appreciated! Thanks in advance!</p>

<p>I will try to answer your questions:</p>

<li><p>The dorm rooms are not coed to my knowledge but
“under the radar” who knows what arrangements get made informally once everyone has moved in.</p></li>
<li><p>MacBook Pro with an additional external hard drive.</p></li>
<li><p>Kitchens have refridgerator, stove and oven. Everything else gets brought by students.</p></li>
<li><p>On the housing form for freshmen that comes with the admissions packet, you can designate 3 choices for dorms. You usually get 1 of your 3 choices and often your first choice if you are not looking for suites or 1 bedrooms that are in short supply.</p></li>

<p>Thank you very much. You helped me and my friends out a lot!</p>