<p>i'm currently a female junior at a relatively middle of the road public school in suburban maryland. credentials are as follows:
-still waiting on the SAT scores; PSAT = 223 (80 verbal, 66 math, 77 writing)
-APs: government and politics sophomore year, psychology, literature and comp and world history this year
-other courses: all honors freshman and sophomore year, all AP and honors this year with the exception of pre-calculus
-GPA: 4.0 freshman year, around 3.76 sophomore year, 4.0 thus far this year
-extracurriculars: varsity soccer (will be three years), managing editor of school newspaper ranked 2nd in the country (albeit in its respective category i.e. with regard to size, etc), member of "It's academic" team, model united nations, literary magazine</p>
<p>im interested in eventually pursuing an english and philosophy major and am considering some of the following schools:
-st. john's college
-northwestern (not the typical liberal arts feel, but i liked it) </p>
<p>if any other schools sound like they'd match my interests, please suggest =) </p>
<p>also, what are my chances at acceptance into a pre-college summer program at somewhere like harvard? </p>
<p>hey meluckycharms! i'm a junior too.. our stats seem pretty similar. i honestly don't know very much about this college stuff, but according to what i've heard about my chances, i'd say you have a very good chance at all those colleges, especially northwestern and st. john's.</p>
<p>my dad was an english and philosophy major when he was in university and he's a professor of philosophy now! :D good luck with your future</p>
<p>I got a 55 on the verbal of the PSAT but a 670 on the SAT
likewise i got a 67 on the writing, then a 530 on the SAT II writing the first time, and then I retook it and got 680.</p>
<p>because there is now the new sat things should change up a bit. i have no clue what will happen..</p>
<p>as far as chances, with your extra curriculars and excellent PSAT I think it is safe to assume that you havea good chance of getting in to all those places except maybe northwestern. Someone from my school got into northwestern but I dont ever talk to him so I can't really tell you much about his experience, other than he ED'd</p>
<p>you have a good course load, and as long as your GPA doesnt go below 3.5 you should be fine (unless that is your weighted gpa). I think amherst could be difficult, depending on what your sat is. they do have a very high median SAT score.</p>
<p>Considering some of your extracurriculars, Macalester College in Minnesota could be a good fit. They have an excellent women's soccer team. I know both coaches, and they are great.
Very liberal, very international liberal arts. Small school in a large city. Mall of America for nearby shopping ;-). Star-Tribune (local paper) is excellent. you should check out macweekly, one of the many student run publications. I am biased, because that is my 1st choice (I did ED 2), but...</p>