Some Textbooks

@joedoe or any other people that may be able to help. Could you tell me what textbook is used in CSCI 1200 Data Structures?
Any other information for preparing for this course during spare time in summer?

Data Structures doesn’t have a textbook, it’s kind of a uniquely structured course that you’ll only find material from at RPI, Carnegie, and Northwestern (I know this from spending long hours looking for study material online).

Recommended textbooks can be found in the link below, but the book isn’t used extensively in the class:

You can get lots of information about the course from the instructor’s web page.

By the way, the class for Fall 2017 is slated to be taught be Cutler & Eberwein.
Look for CSCI-1200 in the registrar’s list at

I’d like to stress though that the textbook for data structures is really just supplemental material. It’s not used formally in the class, but can benefit a student in reviewing topics before exams.