Some weird SSAT scores?

<p>Ok I received:</p>


<p>Reading:75 :(
Math: 70 :/
Verbal: 95</p>


<p>Reading: 95
Verbal: 80

<p>Isn't that a little weird?</p>

<p>I was wondering if schools look at both tests?</p>


<p>Haha, weird, and unbalanced, but those are good scores to me :)</p>

<p>How many did you miss on verbal to get an 80?</p>

<p>wow, that goes to show tests are sometimes the luck of the draw. but those seem like satisfactory scores</p>

<p>I completely agree. Your scores are dependent on the luck of the draw. Look at mine</p>


<p>Verbal: 90%
Math: 63%
Reading: 83%
Total: 83%</p>


<p>Verbal: 85%
Math: 86%
Reading: 76%
Total: 87%</p>

<p>Go figure.</p>

<p>I got 64 % in Math and 92% in Reading and completely flunked verbal</p>

<p>math was one of my strong points so it kindaa suckedd :frowning: </p>

<p>my scores are kinda straaange.</p>

<p>yeah the thing about math is especially if your a boy you can get only a couple questions wrong and have a score in the high 700’s and still have a low percentile.</p>

<p>When do score reports come through the mail? It seems like you guys got it earlier than the predicted date on the SSAT website. Are those dates the latest you would receive them or something?</p>

<p>Nevermind, I got them yesterday.</p>

<p>Scores are better than I would have expected :slight_smile: which is good</p>