Someone can help me?

<p>Hello my name is andres and im from mexico, my dream of always was join to the air force academy, so im thinking to study my last year of high school in seattle ( because i have family there) so it will be easy live there with some of family help .( they are my uncle and aunt) and that year will helps me to learn more english to can be a good english speaker.
So my dream is can join to the Air Force of USA, but i really want study some carrer to be a officer in the air force, i was reading some documents in the army webside and i saw some about if you want to be in the army they will help you to get the green card more faster, because you have "A Job" but you know you will need work about 12 years in the army , thats okay with me im really want to work there but i want to study something first, so my question is, what can ido?, do i study a carrer here in the us with a student visa and after that try to get a job in the air force? is that easy?, or should i enlist first and they will help me to get the card?, im just want to study and be shure to get that work after my carrer, im 17 years old right now, i dont have problems with the law or something like that, im in a good physical condition and everythings its okay!</p>

<p>I don’t know much about it but try reading this to start, it seems clear.</p>

<p><a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I am not sure about being an officer without becoming a citizen first: that same link above says:</p>

<p>Non-Citizen Commissioning</p>

<p>Federal Law requires that all U.S. military officers be a U.S. Citizen. That means that non-U.S. citizens cannot join the U.S. Military as an officer or warrant officer – only as an enlisted member.</p>