<p>Please help me. I'm so scared and confused about what college I should go to and many deadlines are approaching. I've tried talking to my guidance counselor but she is way too busy and my mom doesn't wanna help so can someone tell me some good colleges for chemical engineering? I have a 3.7 GPA SAT: 1850 ACT:31 and I have no AP classes since none are available to me (Is this gonna screw me over bad?). I dont know what to do or where I should go! I thought about Berkeley but its too late and im not good enough. Also, thinking about UT but I dont know if I can send my transcript in time for the deadline! Maybe Georgia Tech, but I dont think I'm good enough, can anyone verify that? Please help, Im freaking out here! >_<</p>
<p>screw it im goin to community college</p>