Someone please offer me some advice...

<p>Background: Hi, I'm an uprising senior at a public high school in Oakland, California. I come from a low-income family and I plan to be the first in my generation to attend college. In addition, I am bi-racial (half-Persian/Pacific Islander). My highschool is full of diversity with students coming from over 89 different countries. Overall, we have a rigorous AP program and I took the most challenging courses to stimulate and expland my intellectual interests. In addition, I am very passionate about art. I've been pursing my artistic talents since before I could walk. However, I'm not entirely sure how to convey this since my AP Studio Art score greatly contrasts from my true potential. Will that hurt my chances?</p>

<p>Rank: 1</p>

<p>Freshmen Year: </p>

<p>English A
Geometry A
French 2 A
Art 1 A
Physical Science A
PE A</p>

<p>GPA: 4.0/4.0</p>

<p>Sophomore Year:</p>

<p>French 3 A
Algebra 2 A
Honors English 2 A
AP European History A
Art 3 A
Biology A</p>

<p>GPA: 4.333/4.333</p>

<p>Community College: </p>

<p>Micro Economics: A
Chemistry: A</p>

<p>Junior Year:</p>

<p>AP Biology A
AP US History A
AP Studio Art A
AP English A
HP French 4 A
HP Pre-Calculus A</p>

<p>GPA: 5.0/5.0</p>

<p>Summer 2005: Harvard SSP Neuroscience</p>

<p>SATII: </p>

<p>US History: 780
Biology (M): 720
Math IIC: 580 (re-taking)</p>

<p>SATI: Math: 620 CR: 530 Writing: 610 (re-taking) </p>

<p>AP Exams:</p>

<p>AP Euro History: 5
AP US HIstory: 5
AP Biology: 5
AP English: 4
AP Studio Art: 3</p>

-VP Art Club
-VP Key Club
-Varsity Tennis
-Varsity Golf
-President Philanthropy Club
-Newspaper Editor
- Historical Art Association --- Best in Show
- PTA Art Relfections ----- City Council 1st Place
-National Honor Roll
-Who's Who Among HS Students</p>

<p>As for my SAT scores I know I can drastically improve to a 2000++. However, would such a college acknoweleged that Standardized Test Scores are simply a reflection of the educational enviroment of my school? In addition, my school has a long history of students failing the AP Studio Art Exam with 1's and 2' fact I'm the first one to pass this exam without any instruction within the last 6 years. Furthermore, my art teacher disagrees the grade...oh well. Would Princeton take that into consideration or would they simply reject my ability based solely on a single number?<br>
Please offer me any advice that would help improve my chances. Thank you so much for all your time!</p>

<p>didn't you just post the same thing a week or so ago?</p>

<p>well, here's your chance at princeton:
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>i highly doubt opinions will be very different from last time ;)</p>

<p>good luck</p>

<p>first of all, i doubt the studio art score will make that big of a difference. however, i DO think that those sat scores will make a difference. do anything you can to bring it up to 2100; if you do, i think you have a great shot.</p>

<p>you can send in your portfolio to showcase your talent if you want. (that answers the studio art question)</p>

<p>other than that, you have a good a chance as any, it will be better if u get the SATIs up, ur SATIIs look nice.</p>