Sometimes Its The Little Things

<p>Monday at work was a bad day. Nothing went right and argued with people all day. As I was leaving work, the spousal unit called and said she was having the same kind of day. I offered to pick up dinner to hopefully offset a really bad day.</p>

<p>As I was leaving the food place with our dinner, I noticed a family waiting to be seated and the father had on a new Alabama T shirt. He was nice enough to hold the door open for me and as I approached I gave him a Roll Tide. He seemed a little shock but responded back with the same. As I passed he was exclaiming to his wife ‘Honey, he Roll Tided me!! They are everywhere!’ </p>

<p>I sat in my car and just laughed. Talk about a little thing to change one’s day. Got home, told the spousal unit and we enjoyed a wonderful dinner.</p>

<p>Yes! They hang out a lot at grocery stores, I’ve noticed.</p>



<p>Did you have a Notre Dame shirt on at the time?</p>

<p>You two might not be as friendly toward each other in a couple of months. ;)</p>

<p>No ND shirt here.</p>



<p>And you never know where they’ll be next… :)</p>

<p>I’m sad to say I never get a Roll Tide when I’m wearing my Bama shirt. Last Roll Tide I got (game day bar doesn’t count) was back in September when I was in KY - from an LSU guy, no less. </p>

<p>And Godfather, ND is overrated.</p>

<p>We get Roll Tides almost every time we go out here in NC. I couldn’t find my husband in the grocery store last week, because he had found a new friend! They were having a long conversation about their children attending Alabama.</p>

<p>BamaMomof1: Told you so! Bammers seem to be a hungry lot.</p>

<p>That’s a nice story - off topic, what’s the difference between a spousal unit and a spouse?</p>

<p>Edited to add after posting above:
I’m going to add that I told my husband about this thread and he replied back “which one of us is the spousal unit?” …so, I guess we’re both dumb, don’t speak that wsy in N. Georgia.</p>

<p>Not a thing. I started calling her that almost 30 years ago and it just stuck.</p>

<p>I wear my ‘Bama Mom’ button a fair bit…and people always think it is for Obama…I suspect after this election, I will get more people paying attention to what it REALLY means and will ‘Roll Tide’ me instead of deride me.</p>

<p>Great story, Shamrockdad. Good to see you posting again. My H wears his Bama shirt a lot when we go out. It always elicits a “Roll Tide” or at least a conversation.</p>

<p>I don’t get any Roll Tides either when I wear my Bama shirt. Maybe it’s a guy thing?</p>

<p>A few weekends ago I was in Baltimore walking around the downtown area, wearing my Bama sweatshirt and cap. There was a marathon going on, so I stopped and watched the runners for awhile. One of them saw me, and even though he was breathing pretty raggedly, he gasped out a big “ROLL TIDE!” Gotta love it.</p>

<p>A couple of years ago, when I was taking my mom for a blood test in Calif, I forgot that the red shirt I was wearing had a small Alabama logo on the bottom. When leaving the lab, I got a Roll Tide! </p>


<p>I was “recruiting” crafters at a local craft fair for the first Craft Show that I am putting on for my son’s HS Band, and I saw a gentleman all decked out in Bama gear (in Michigan), so I shouted out a “Roll Tide!” to him, he smiled, and I told my daughter (who will hopefully be a Freshman at Bama in the Fall) to go say, “Roll Tide!” to him, unfortunately, she wouldn’t do it! TOO BAD! So, Roll Tide, everyone!!</p>

<p>Waiting for daughter at San Francisco airport cell-phone waiting area the other day (not where we’re from, there for the week). I spotted a car decked out in Bama decals, so of course I had to move my car next to his. I happened to be wearing Bama shirt, and gave him a big Roll Tide! He was so happy to hear it, turns out he moved away and hasn’t been on campus for almost 30 years, “but you’re a BAMA alumni and fan for life”. We talked about how he should visit and see all the changes. He couldn’t believe my son from CA was there and surprised out how many OOS they now have. Hated breaking the conversation, daughter couldn’t believe how I can always find “them” as she puts it. </p>

<p>Also heard same day that my nephew (5) ran over in a restaurant (Rancho Cucamonga, CA) to “Roll Tide” a man sitting with a bama shirt on. He gave him a big smile and hearty Roll Tide back. </p>

<p>“Roll Tide” sure adds a smile to the day.</p>

<p>I had a few roll tides while vacationing in FL but all I get here in MD seems to be "War Eagle"s. I did RT a man in a bama hat at a local restaurant to find him and his wife were both alumni which was nice. I also just passed a Alabama electric truck on the highway the other day and felt the need to slow down and get in front of him so he could see my houndstooth ROLL TIDE ROLL decal in my back window and give him a thumbs up. I have a problem…</p>

<p>Not only do I do the same thing (drive in front of other AL folk, so they can see my decal), I feel the need to do it to anyone who has an opposing team/college decal! Yep, put another 20 bucks in the therapy jar…</p>

<p>Was able to RT a Bama family in DC today & I got several back. So Roll Tide.</p>

<p>DC? Maybe there is hope for me in MD after all. Unless they were tourists…</p>

<p>I got 2 Roll Tide’s last week on non game days. The first was last weekend going into the competitive cheer gym (#1 in the nation) where younger DD competes. High school aged girl walks out wearing a Bama shirt and I did a RT and she heartedly answered back :)<br>
A few days later I had on a Bama shirt and walked into a real “froo-froo” store for some Christmas decor and the girl behind the counter greeted me with a RT. Turns out she was from Georgia but an Ole Miss alum.<br>
Both happened in Plano, TX. </p>

<p>Being my DH (the spousal unit) is a born and bred Bama boy he has tons of Bama gear and whenever he is out and about in his Bama stuff he always seems to get a RT. Oldest DD will be at Bama next year and proudly wears her Bama gear and has gotten several RT’s from all generations.</p>