Son has investment banking video interview with hireview technology thoughts?

Son has first video interview set up for IB internship for next summer. I know this process at the big banks started last year. Any tips or helpful hints would be greatly appreciated
I know I would have much rather had a face to face interview
Thanks for any help

For this generation, a video interview is a face to face interview. It is the way they are done now and these kids get comfortable with them rather quickly.

Likely two questions possibly with ability to re-record answers Pre-think possible question answers: why IB, why this firm, why him…dress appropriately, make sure background is clear and no screaming siblings or roommates in the vicinity. GL!

My kid’s school had rooms at the career center where they could do video interviews. The rooms were sound proof with good wifi. If your kid is going to to do it in his room, just make sure the internet is sufficient for video and figure out how the audio is going to work - via a phone call or through the video. I would do a trial run first and not wait until the last minute - download necessary software and adjust angle of laptop camera. If your son is going to do the video call in his room just to make sure the background (wall) is blank with good light.

Thanks very much for the responses. Hope you all enjoy whats left of the summer

HireVue questions are usually pre-recorded, and you record your answers and submit them. Good luck - the recruiting process for IB is tough, but your son will learn a lot in the very least.

Not IB, but our ds did a HireVue interview and he said it was the most painful interview ever. His recommendation afterward was that he should have a beer first. :wink:

He only needs to dress appropriately from waist up. No need to worry about dress shoes or dress pant. He’ll just be sitting at a desk recording his answers to the questions.

Daughter also had a HireVue interview. She said it was the worst interview of her life. It felt awkward and there was no feedback or cues. I think she said you have set period of time to answer questions. It might be worth some online research to know what to expect.

Ugh, kind of thought that it would not be a fun experience. So shirt, tie and sit in underwear lol
He is trying to study online based on past questions etc. if he is fortunate enough to get an interview with a second bank, do they use same video interview from companies archive or is a new one done
Thanks very much

Is it a Skype interview or a video interview?

Some video interviews are one-way meaning you do not talk to a live person. Sometimes your answers will be too long and they move on to the next question. You may also not have enough material and there will be uncomfortable silence.

The worst is that some interviewers do not even listen to your answers. There are software packages that evaluate your tone of voice and mannerisms and that the only evaluation method.

Yes, it is a video interview.One way, and measured by artificial intelligence software package. As you said, eye movement, speech patterns, etc.
Seems to be the way of the big investment banks. If you want one of those type internships and then jobs there is no saying no.

Wall Street Oasis is a good place to search if your son wants more info on possible questions. Some HireViews do not allow a second chance recording.

Definitely go to Wall Street Oasis. Wealth of info and feedback on the forum. It’s CC for IB, essentially.

He should have a paragraph long elevator pitch down pat!

“Hi, I’m analytical, results oriented, sophomore. My x experience during y job/internship was instrumental in my passion for finance and deal making.”

Focus on Why IB, Why Me (possibly elevator pitch) and ask ?s about what IBer actually do day to day, no rhetorical ?s that lead to your son making a statement to seem smart. Singlehandedly biggest ding for IB/high finance interviews bc you’re in the interview, they know you’re smart. Most important is confidence and less is more, sell yourself but don’t seem desperate. Again

Thanks to everyone for their responses. My son told me he just did his video interview this afternoon. Was surprised that it talked him through the set up with time to do practice questions to be able to see how he looked in the set up. Only a few questions, timed answers but you were allowed to redo each question one time if not happy with initial attempt. Obviously weird talking to no one but he felt that it was as fair as possible given the situation .
Thanks again for everyone’s advice. Yes, he realizes the chance of obtaining that IB internship is almost impossible but great experience and on to the next one

I have a relative in his mid-50s who had to take a video interview. Must have done well as he got the position.

Good for him. I would much rather do face/face

Well, since he is a very experienced electrical engineer, there is no telling what he did to that machine. Anyway it worked.

Makes my B-school interview with Goldman Sachs 30+ years ago where they put you in a kid sized chair with uneven legs to see how you reacted seem tame in comparison.

So he actually made it passed that round, had phone interview yesterday. Getting himself prepared for the crash and burn that comes next lol
From all these interviews, definitely a nice learning experience that will help going forward.