Son has mono...extremely sick

<p>My son was diagnosed with mono earlier in the week. Dr. said to get plenty of rest and no contact sports. Son started feeling worse (developed a cough, etc.) on Friday and went back to Dr. Dr. prescribed meds. Son has slept all weekend. Son just called and feels worse. My husband and I will be leaving for Tuscaloosa in the next few hours. </p>

<p>Here are my questions:</p>

<p>My son has continued going to class. Is anyone familiar with the process for having absences excused and/or receiving an incomplete (if he has to come home)?</p>

<p>I don’t have his RA’s name or number. (Roommate not answering his phone…he and other friends must be at church.). Is there a way to obtain this information via the telephone/computer?</p>

<p>I forgot to add that son has a Statistics test Monday afternoon and a presentation in another class on Thursday…him worrying about those is causing him additional stress.</p>

<p>I had mono in November :frowning: I was sick for about a month before I returned to school. It’s different for everybody though. Some people are sick or a week, others for two months. I’m not really sure how they would handle the process in college of making up work. I’m in high school and most teachers just excused me from the projects. I hope your son gets better soon! I know what a pain mono is.</p>

<p>Crimson217, I sent you a PM with some suggestions. Take care and safe travels.</p>

<p>There is a medical withdrawal…my friend’s son had to do this for a seriously broken leg that required surgery and rehab.</p>

<p>When my son was long-time sick his first semester, he emailed each prof with the situation and each one worked with the situation.</p>

<p>Contact the Dean of Students’ office as well.</p>

<p>Crimson, sorry he is sick. Mono is one of those things that is hard to kick. Safe travels, and I hope that you can help him to recover quickly and he can return to normal as quickly as medically possible!</p>

<p>Crimson- how is your son? We have not heard back from you, I am hoping that he is improving and all is well.</p>

<p>We arrived in Tuscaloosa to find son running a high fever and wheezing. Spent Sunday night in the ER…Dr diagnosed him with bronchitis, as well as the mono. Dr said no school for a week and recommended we take him home with us. I went to Dean of Students office on Monday and they emailed all his professors…son emailed them too. Son spent first few days at home doing nothing but sleeping. Went back to our family physician late in the week and he released him to return back to school…said Son will continue to need plenty of rest…still no physical activity. My husband took Son back late yesterday. All of Son’s professors were very nice in their emails and sent well wishes to him. The graduate assistant teaching his Kinesiology class wasn’t too kind in their email…we’ll know more when he goes to class later in the week.</p>

<p>I appreciate everyone’s help and well wishes! We are hoping our Son will be able to regain his health and stay in school.</p>

<h1>The graduate assistant teaching his Kinesiology class wasn’t too kind in their email…we’ll know more when he goes to class later in the week.</h1>

<p>Did the Grad Ass’t get the email from the Dean? If so, that seems odd…or maybe he read/responded to your son’s email before seeing the one from the Dean?</p>

<p>What did the GA say? Did he indicate his grade would be affected?</p>

<p>Make sure he does get plenty of rest. He can be contagious for up to 2 months (saliva).</p>

<p>I’m glad your son is feeling better and was able to return to campus.:)</p>

<p>I am so glad to hear that! I was wondering about him. Mono takes a long time to get over, and it causes such extreme fatigue. And as someone else said, it is really contagious, so he needs to be careful around others to try to prevent getting anyone else sick.</p>

<p>OhioMom3000 quote:</p>

<p>Make sure he does get plenty of rest. He can be contagious for up to 2 months (saliva).</p>


<p>lol…that’s why it’s called the Kissing Disease. <3</p>

<p>Hope your son feels much better very soon!!!</p>

<p>Hoping your son feels better soon! Chicken soup is always a “cure all”. Make him a big pt and put portions in the freezer. Good Luck for his schoolwork!</p>

<p>Hope he feels better soon! (This is the part of college I am dreading - especially with my daughter who seems to catch everything.)</p>

<p>wdaveo–funny you should mention that. My son has a cast-iron constitution; never gets sick. But he has had one bug after another at Bama. I think it’s just that he’s in a different state, and he’s not used to (or immune to) the germs there. :slight_smile: Doesn’t help that he never gets enough sleep!!</p>

<p>The student health center offers flu shots, and I believe they’re free…would definitely recommend.</p>

<p>Although this is a bit off topic I thought it was worth mentioning. Be sure your child doesn’t wait until arriving on campus to receive immunizations and TB testing. The UA is serious about this requirement and those who waited overwhelmed Student Health last August during AA and move in week. Sick kids and those needing immunizations or TB tests waited LONG waits due to people putting this off. I would suggest you take a few minutes to familiarize your student with the SHC and also locate an Urgent Care for those times when the SHC is closed (like game weekends). It really helps when/if your student needs it later. Also, a small plastic box with small size OTC items your child may need is helpful to bring. The flu shots are also a great idea. We paid around $25 for it.</p>