<p>Does filling out the FAFSA and CSS thing sooner give you more money?
If so, how much more? What is the differences? Hundreds or thousands of dollars? Or just a few bucks?</p>
<p>My parents are out of town, and I cant do anything right now. And I want ma monay.</p>
<p>A financial aid officer at a university explained financial aid this way:</p>
<p>Financial aid is a like a big pie. The people who get their first (and have legitimiate need to eat) get the bigger pieces. So it behooves you to get the forms in as soon as you reasonably can. </p>
<p>The same officer who used the pie analogy also said that it doesn't make so much difference if you get your papers in on January 2 or February 2: just don't wait until March. </p>