Sophie Davis Fall 2021

what thread if u dont mind me asking?

“Sophie Davis Interview 2020” that’s the name of the thread, scroll down. You’ll see it.

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hi guys!

you guys seemed very friendly, so i decided to reply in the thread. i applied to the sophie davis bs/md program and received an email about how they received the essays and applications but nothing about the recs or anything.

i’ve been worried sick about considering everything going on, and i didn’t even email them because i thought it’d be annoying to ask them about my application.

i’ve also been worried about the interview emails because i haven’t received one as of yet.

i will make sure to let you guys know if i do receive one.

thank you so much yall and i hope we all get a chance at an interview.



I think we’re all on the same boat as you & as nervous too.

From what I know none of us have gotten an invitation for the interview as well.

I only know 1 person who told me they’ve received an interview email from them which is for this week.

It’s still early & my friend’s in their program told me, last year, she didn’t get an interview email until March.

So let’s all cross our fingers tightly & hoping we’ll get an interview.

Likewise, I will do the same!! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi guys!
I applied to Sophie too for 2020-21 and i got an email from sophie saying that they received my application and stuff. I emailed them to double check to see if they had all my LOR’s and my transcript and stuff. i think you should email them to be sure if your worried bc they reply really quickly

Im also nervous because i just had my sophie interview and im just trying to patiently wait for the decision to come out. if you have any questions i can help you answer them and i hope you all can get an interview!


Oh wow, that’s amazing. Could you please give us some tips and advice like some of the questions you were asked and when did you get the invitation? Also did they talk about your essays? Thanks . Good luck.

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I hope you bombed your interview & sparked them!!

Don’t worry too much—have positive thoughts & faith.

Can you tell me how long it was? Maybe few of the questions you were asked? Did they ask about what you put in your application e.g extracurriculars, essay, etc?

Congratulations on your interview! I hope you get in :smiley:

I did email them asking if they got my Letters but I never got a response :,)

Thanks! Here are some tips and advise that i received and that i though of after i finished the interview

  1. be as honest and open as you can
    this is the time for them to get to know you so its really important to make sure you shine so they can remember you
  2. smile.
    all of them were so welcoming and they made me feel like i was their friend or student already! also smiling just makes you more open
    3)Ask questions
    the interviewers always asked if i had a question and i tried to ask them at least 2 questions
  3. Dont be nervous
    like i said they are all really kind and they will make you feel at home. I was nervous at first but after talking to them i felt better

Lol it’s clipped for me. I didn’t receive an interview invitation :frowning:

Thank you so much that’s amazing.

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You receive interview invitations until mid March

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 wish all of yall the best! But I’m lowkey going to keep my hopes down lol (for myself only). Regardless, I’m still going to become a doctor no matter what, so whether I do or don’t get accepted to this program, it doesn’t matter. Or at least, it matters a little less now, I’m not gonna give up on my dream!


I kind of think everyone here should know what, because not everyone is going to get accepted. So please don’t give up on your doctor dreams if you didn’t get accepted to this 7 year program!


Some questions they asked me or might ask you

  • What’s the last book you read for pleasure
    *how would your friends describe you if they were sitting in the same room as you
  • How do you handle stress
    *Whats something your friend would say is bad/good about you
  • whats a weakness or strength you have
    *What other colleges did you apply to
  • why do you like sophie and whats one thing that made you apply there
  • What would you do if you couldn’t be a doctor
    *why do you want to become a doctor(surprisingly none of them asked me this question but they can ask you)
  • describe a time when you helped someone
    *describe a time when you were struggling in a class and how did you overcome that struggle
    *they can also ask you on the spot questions like what’s would you do for a day if you had no money constraints
    describe yourself(all the interviewers asked me this question)
    That’s all i can remember but if i remember more ill post them

LMAOO thanks! :slight_smile: :smiley:

dont worry! you still have until march. I have a friend who didnt receive an interview until mid march and still got in. You got it!

You’re very kind! Virtual high-five to you @allrightallmight

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Absolutely you’re very kind for sharing with us. I just had one more question if you don’t mind me asking what was your gpa? You don’t have to answer this if you don’t.

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