Sophie Davis Fall 2021

the interview was 3 hours long but im telling you time flew by and i felt like it took 5 mins. They did ask me questions about my essay and i had to answer some questions. Just make sure you know what you wrote about.
Also they asked me for my extracurriculars and my hobbies (one interview we talked about our love for reading) so just make sure you can talk about that as well

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Thank you!

no problem! i hope you all can get an interview!!


Yep, my GPA was a 98.56 (I lowkey should have tried a bit harder, there were many nights I just watched netflix instead of studying lol! I gotta flex up before college and fix those habits of mine! But yes, that is my GPA currently, and my school does only weighted!

Wow that’s amazing.

Bro you would be surprised how many kids at my school have 99’s and 100’s as GPA…

Thank you so much when did you get your interview notification and what time was your interview?

Trust me same with my school. You’re not the only one.

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i dont mind! its a 4.0 but i think the essays matter more because that how they really get to know you


i got it exactly a week ago and my interview was at 12

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Yea, so many people have told me that the essays really matter. I worked my butt off for them lol

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Were you ever on another thread? Sophie Davis 2020 thread?

I definitely agree with you on that.

Yeah lol I was.

I was talking to @allrightallmight because I think I saw on another thread that a person got their interview notice on the 20th, so I just felt free to ask

I think I saw you! lol

Oh okay lol.

lmao i felt the same way but there were people in my school who got in with your gpa so you have a good shot. The beauty about Sophie is that they are so holistic so even if you feel like you didnt do your best GPA wise your essays will speak your passion. i personally feel that if you want to be a doctor grades matter but your passion is the one that’s going to keep you going


That’s true, I definitely agree with you.

no but i did read a lot of them. i was happy when the thread for 2020-21 popped up

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