Sophie Davis Fall 2021

I heard Sophie Davis, specifically, puts you in bad residencies. I remember hearing about it on other threads. Interesting

Were all the questions different based on who interviewed you?

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I donā€™t think that person would know the answer to that lol

Because he only got to interview with one personā€¦ you know?

No, itā€™s 3 different people from the school.

But like the floorā€™s totally open for them to answer

Thanks @allrightallmight really appreciate it and congrats


Are you asking if the questions are different for each interviewee? (the person thatā€™s getting interviewed is the interviewee)


First of all, congratulations on the interview! Iā€™m sure you did awesome, and Iā€™m hoping you do get an acceptance!!

I received the confirmation email some time ago actually (probably around the same time as you guys). Would it still be appropriate for me to email them about this or should I email them about something else to just see my progress? I know weā€™re not supposed to be annoying and to be honest, it was on me to check with them but I was really scared about the whole process for some reason.

Also, Iā€™m not sure if you guys applied to the Brooklyn College BA/MD program. But I received the acceptance from the general admissions. Would it be appropriate for me to ask my progress for that application?

I know I put this as a reply to @allrightallmight but I would be glad if anyone answered my questions!

Thank you again guys!!

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@sd0628 Yes I think It is not only appropriate but a necessary precaution because I emailed them (Sophie) today and to my surprise they were missing one of my rec letters so thanks to @allrightallmight for reminding me lol.

Ohh and I was thinking of applying to the BAMD program but I didnā€™t because its 8 year and you still have to take the MCAT and I would rather not do that however I wish you good luck and donā€™t worry about annoying them honestly because you would rather annoy them than have anything missing. Just write a respectful and very short email.

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Also the CUNY decision dates are all listed on their websites by school and program so check for BAMD here because it might not be necessary to email them if thats what you want to ask:


Thank you for the info.

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I just would like to say that Iā€™m glad I do have you guys here. Although I donā€™t know any of guys much or you guys know me much, however we all have a common interest & seems like support one another. Weā€™re also in the same boat & can always come here if Iā€™m worried on S.D.


there was three different interviewers all from the school. They asked me different questions but they all had the same goal to get to know me

*another piece of advice i just thought of
if they give you and abstract question donā€™t hesitate to think about it before saying it. you dont have to respond right away


I agree with @Toor03 sending them an email will definitely give you piece of mind and at least you know that you did everything you could.

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If you donā€™t mind me asking, who did you email to ask for the status of your application? Thank you for your time!

I emailed them too, lol cuz I was like let me double check with them too.
I used this emailā€” , they were very quick & straightforward.

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Yeah sā€™mores is right. I emailed my question to sdcsom but they just forwarded it to sdadmissions and thatā€™s the address I exchanged emails with.

Ok, thank you both for your help!

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Thank you so much @Toor03 and @allrightallmight for nudging me in the right direction to email them! Iā€™ve honestly been so scared about emailing them because I was overthinking being ā€œannoying.ā€

Also, thank you again for posting the CUNY dates because Iā€™ll definitely have to email them about my progress later because apparently they have just started to send out their general admission.

Also as @Callmesmores said, Iā€™m really glad to be able to talk to you guys here! Itā€™s really stressful to think about all of this on my own.