Sophie Davis Fall 2021

Hello, I just got an interview invitation via email for February 3rd last night. In all honesty, I did not expect to receive one since I had no clinical experience, little research work done, and not the most spectacular GPA. I think at times we define a perfect student in our eyes to be the best candidate but please remember through this process once again that a well-rounded and genuinely driven applicant is reflected through your essays. That is what I believe was able to push me forward within the committee. I spoke of my involvement in teaching Sunday School for the past few years, a service I dwelled upon in charitable nature, and it may not be an equivalent to shadowing a doctor, but this was a connection you donā€™t get to see within a medical background too often. No, I did not have a 99-100 GPA, I had a 95.11, absolutely average. I didnā€™t have above an 85 on every regents, and I believe placing an emphasis and a story behind your essays is VERY important. That being said you all sound very stressed. Please take some time to de-stress in any way. Do not worry, and let everything be. We are already in such a tough time, and to those waiting for an interview, it takes them time, I must say the process is an odd one. I wish you all tocontiue to stay safe, happy, and at peace, you all are amazing, remember that regardless :relaxed:


Congratulations! And thank you so much, that calmed my nerves.
I really do hope that everyone in this forum gets an interview.


Amazingly said!!
Thank you for uplifting us all, especially me because I sometimes feel like Iā€™m not ā€œS.Dā€ qualified cuz everyone seem so smart on here, crazy GPA like you said & did a lot of special extraordinarie activities involving Hospitals.
This gave me some hope, thank you.
I wish you the best of luck!!! Youā€™ll rock it. :100:


When did you submit your application? On the last day, or a bit early? Iā€™m just trying to see if I should have any sort of hope left, because I submitted mine on the last day and if they give someone an interview offer who handed in their stuff before me, it may mean I still lowkey have a chance LMAO. But like, idk Iā€™m getting really pessimistic here about myself lol, so not keeping any of my hopes up, but dammit the power of hope is unbelievableā€“even more so when youā€™re nervous!!!

Ahhhhh I so happy for you! Congratulations!!

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I submitted I believe 2-3 days prior to the date it was due, but I have found that admitted students even from last year got interviews as late as mid-March so I would not be worried at all. I do not think the submission time had any relation though to an interview, but I may be wrong. Also, donā€™t be so pessimistic to yourself, just let yourself live the college admissions experience. I was deferred recently from one of my top choices, and realized that it is simply ok, and something else was in better hands for my future. I have University of Michigan coming in a few hours haha. Best of Luck and please be kind to yourself, you worked so hard!


Thank you! Best of luck to you and your future endeavors! :slight_smile:

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I was a little worried too bc I submitted my application 2 days before it was due. I think as long as they send you an email saying they received it your good.


Hey congrats. I just wanted to ask you if you donā€™t mind me asking what time did you get your interview invitation yesterday? Because I didnā€™t know they send it out till the night. Congrats once again. I hope you rock the interview.

I got the email at exactly 6:02pm last night, it stated this:

You have been selected for an interview with the CUNY School of Medicine/Sophie Davis Biomedical Education Program at The City College of New York. This decision was based on a thorough review of your application and supporting documents.

Your interview is scheduled for Wednesday, February 3, 2021 at 1:30 P.M. Eastern Standard Time. All interviews will be conducted remotely this year via Zoom. The Zoom Link for you to attend the interview is only for your use.

You will meet with interviewers for approximately two and a half hours and should plan to spend about three hours with us that day.

The number of students who will be interviewed is very limited and interviews are tightly scheduled. Therefore, we must request that you join us fifteen minutes before the start time of your interview and only on the day assigned to you. If this is not possible, please contact the Office of Admissions promptly at (212) 650-7718.

Please note that if you are a permanent resident, you were required to indicate proof on your Sophie Davis Application. Contact Leonie Peele (, our Associate Director of Admissions, if you have questions about submitting proof of permanent resident status.

We all understand that because of COVID 19, our virtual interview format will be different than a visit to the campus and live interviews. We are hoping to make the virtual experience replicate the on campus visit and live interview. If you are not familiar with Zoom, and/or have any internet, or other challenges, be sure to contact me. And please do all that you can to ensure privacy at the time of your interviews. Feel free to use the background you are most comfortable with and, if you are using a laptop, make sure it is fully charged prior to coming to your interview.

We hope you will find your interview day with us stimulating and we look forward to meeting with you and answering any questions that you might have about the program.

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Once again though, I do not believe you should worry as they send out invitations until mid-March, they can email at any given time in all honesty, Iā€™m just a bit of an email notification fanatic and saw the notification last night amidst completing my calculus homework

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Wait for the proof of permanent resident, donā€™t wanna get into your business. If you donā€™t wanna tell me you are free to not, but what will you show them? Iā€™m a lil confused on that.
OR would you just show them your conformation application from S.D?

In all honesty Iā€™m not familiar with that sector because Iā€™m a Queens resident in New York City with my parents, I believe they would further describe it if you contact the number I posted above within the email I copied from them, or from their email that another user posted, either way would work!

Ayeeeee Iā€™m from Queens, NY too ::slight_smile:
Okay okay.

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Also, if someone doesnā€™t get an interview at all would they email you to let you know that OR they just never reach back to you?!

They will email you at the end of the process just saying that you were rejected if you didnā€™t get an interview. Letā€™s just hope thatā€™s not any of us lol.

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Thank you. Yes, I hope we all get an email!!!


Okay so Iā€™m pretty sure (well almost a hundred percent) that permanent residence means . having a green card as in the thing you have before getting a passport. So youā€™ll just show them your green card lmao IF YOU ARE A permanent resident alien. @MarrZak

Ok, I mean I lived here my entire life, it really doesnā€™t pertain to me, but thank you for clarifying :slight_smile:

Yeah I figured that you lived here for your whole life. Just clarifying. :slight_smile: