Sophie Davis Fall 2021

Hi, first of all congrats! i’m super happy for you!! do you mind telling me what letter ur last name starts with? im just trying to see if they send out interviews randomly or if they go in alphabetical order. if you dont want to tell me, dont worries! I respect ur privacy and good luck w ur interview!!


Hello :slight_smile: My last name starts with a Z, I’m quite literally at the end of the alphabet hahaha, thank you for the kind words!

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anytime dude and thanks!

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Hey everyone, I just signed up for an account on here and found this thread. Thank god there are others who are in the same boat of stress as me :joy:. I was wondering earlier today if interviews started and when I saw that they started already, I freaked out until I read previous years threads with interviews going to as late as March. If you guys don’t mind, I would like to ask what you think my chances of getting in are.

My stats: 101.02 GPA weighted 100 unweighted, all my regents were 90+ except for 87 on chemistry, I did not take physics algebra 2 global regents because of covid last june. I’m an early graduate (supposed to be a junior rn but I’m a senior) and all my transcript grades are 95+

My ECs: I shadowed 2 doctors, volunteered at my dentist’s office, I started my own fundraiser, tutored middle school kids, worked at a hair salon
I’m not of a minority group, I’m a persian russian living in queens, NY however I do have roots in Spain. My background is pretty diverse tbh but I’m worried that they look at your race for their decisions.
In addition, I had an issue submitting my application the day of the due date. I didn’t receive the link in my inbox to open my updated application and the deadline already passed. I was so stressed out but I emailed them around 11pm on dec 30 and a week later they sent me a pdf version of the application to fill out and send by email along with essays by january 13th. I was not the only applicant with this issue, so this could play a huge role in recieving our decisions and notifications.
Anyway, this whole group seems very supportive and informative. I feel like I’ve found a mini family lmao. Let me know what you guys think! Good luck to everyone! And yes I will definitely update you guys if I get an interview.


Hello! Thank you so much for joining this thread! Yeah, I’ve always been a little scared of college confidential but the users here are literally so sweet and supportive :relaxed:

As for the chance me, you are most definitely deserving of an interview imo :), but with the holistic nature of this school, it’s hard for me to tell your chances. I myself know way too little about the school, but I feel like they are looking for committed students that love serving others, which is shown in your extracurriculars, but can also be shown in your essays. Your grades are great and you’re a great applicant, it’s just too tricky for me to chance anyone :joy:

As for not being a minority, I do hear that they hope for 50% of the students to be underrepresented, but that also means that for 50% of the students can be of any background! I wouldn’t worry about that, I heard they look for an applicant that shares their mission values of inclusivity and serving the underserved.

If I have any information wrong guys, plz lmk but this is what I’ve heard.

Yes I agree with @livelifeokay. Sophie Davis requires you to be passionate about serving the underserved that is why they choose minorities HOWEVER it is definitely possible to get in if you are not especially with your stats and stuff. I, myself am Asian (south asian) lol so according to college admissions IM NOT underrepresented. But I think you have a good chance! Good Luck!

After seeing so many people with such high grades I am actually really worried so could you guys please tell me what you guys think about mine. My weighted average is like 92.8% (IK it could be better). But I did improve over the years

My first semester was 90
2: 86
3: 96
5: 92
7: 99.9

And my Regents score were okay. I got 89 in Algebra 1, 80 in Geometry, 93 in Algebra 2. 96 in Bio and 100 in Chem.

My Science classes grades were as follows:
Bio: 82, 92
Chem: 96, 92
Physics: 90 85

I have taken a few college courses in the same college and my GPA there is 4.0 cuz I only took 3. I took Intro PSY and got an A+ and English and Econ got an A on both. Currently taking college physics and political science. I am also taking calc AB.

My grades are very inconsistent I think but do you think that I might have a chance.

I was a patient care volunteer at a hospital, got a rec letter from there. I was the head of fundraising for key club. I helped tutor middle school kids managed a few summer programs. I was also part of a science program at the museum of natural history. I was also in a religious (Muslim) organization. I know my extracurriculars are better than my grades but what do you guys think, do they make up for the inconsistencies in them especially since all the people getting interviews had like much better grades.

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Hey guys, I was in another thread and I also got any interview and I saw someone ask if the interviewers asked different questions to different people and the answer is yes. They didn’t ask me about my essay but they asked about my extracurriculars and community service. They also asked how I handle stress and what I do during my free time. They basically wanted to see how I would handle all of the work being in the program.


Thank you!

Thank you so much! This really calms my nerves lol. It’s so difficult to find any information on Sophie Davis online. Everything is kept so quiet and secret.

@Toor03 & @ellona0327 I think you guys definitely have a chance for the interview based on stats.
I hope on the essays you guys really expressed yourself & the importance of medicine to you.
However, I cant say much pass the interview because…it all depends how you guys answer the questions etc. That’s my opinion.
Also, @Toor03 my GPA is a 93–not such a difference from yours, keep calm & I always heard college like to see progress.
The extracurriculars you guys have done are great. :+1:



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@Toor03 I think you have an awesome chance at getting in! Your ECs show a lot of leadership and passion for medicine and helping others. Also, taking that many college courses! That’s literally so good (I took only ONE for algebra 2 sophomore year and I barely handled it so you definitely show persistence and good work ethic/balance). As for the grades, as long as you have shown improvement or maintained them throughout the years, it should not matter too much. I don’t think they prioritize our stats as much as other schools do. If you think about it, we aren’t the only ones with a 85-100 GPAs. It’s our personalities that make us stand out in the crowd. Grades just help you get recognized but they are not the determining factor for sure.


@Callmesmores thank you so much😁

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Thank you @callmesmores and @ellona0327. I really appreciate your input. Good luck to you both


@Toor03 anytime! Good luck to you as well :slight_smile:

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Hey! I hope all is well. However I’m a bit concerned on few sections of S.D application, can someone help me remember if it was 4 or 5 extracurriculars they had asked? Also it was 3 community services that they asked right? Correct me if I’m wrong :slight_smile:

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@Callmesmores. It was 5 extracurriculars. 4 Community service and 3 employments.

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Thank you!!

To anyone who took the interview already, did they ask to just talk one of your extracurriculars or did they point out a specific one to talk about?