Sophie Davis Fall 2021

lol thats probably gonna be me lmao. Also, I saw on some other threads that they sometimes don’t even let you know if you’ve been rejected.

Don’t worry just don’t loose hope. Everything happens for a reason. Good luck to everyone again.

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i know chance me posts are like in no way reflective of actual decisions, but not hearing anything from sophie has sorta made me paranoid so id like to share some of my application:

gpa/ academic rigor: approx 98, my school uses a really weird grading system lmao, but without revealing too much about where i go to school, all of my classes in my classes my junior and senior year are college courses, i graduate w abt 60 college credits

regents: my school doesnt offer that many regents exams, we just do the bare minimum but ive gotten a 90+ on all of them

ecs: volunteer at a hospital, wrote a research paper, writer for this medical journal, program at weill cornell, activism projects, and some more minor ecs like badminton, waitressing, and tutoring

awards: questbridge finalists (didnt participate in match), a grant from this institute for a few hundred dollars, level 1 trauma training certificate from american college of surgeons, and a community award for translating documents during pandemic


hi guys!!

I don’t have any update yet! Just super scared and wanted to let you guys know what’s going on so far.

I’m really glad that you guys are sharing that you don’t need to be a super stellar student to receive an interview opportunity. I’ve been super scared about the stats portion of all of this.

Now I’m stressing about the essays all over again lol. I feel like I tried to show my personality and story through my essays, but everything’s just super scary now. :(((

Thank you again y’all for being here!!!


Also, a big congratulations to you!!! I hope you knock it out of the park tomorrow at your interview!


Hey, Good luck tomorrow! I hope you do AMAZING :smiley:


Don’t be. Just relax. They aren’t done as of yet. My friend who’s in the program, currently, didn’t get an interview until the 1st week of March. I’ve been told to start worrying when it’s the 3 week of March & no emails have been sent. Until then, let’s all relax a little & have faith.


Your extra curriculars and academics are absolutely amazing!! I think you have a VERY HIGH chance. Good Luck to you and everyone. You all are great candidates and wherever you end up, you’ll do great things. Still I hope you guys get this interview


fingers crossed dude! i hope you get one too dude (as well as everyone else here)


sophie is incredibly holistic, try not to stress out too much. but sophies holistic process is what i really like about the school like i want to go to a school where people are academically driven but still have personalities and hobbies yknow


Thank you so much! I will update you tomorrow on how it goes! :slight_smile:


Thank youuu! I will update on this forum on how it goes! :slight_smile:


I can sense your worry through your post, and I cannot emphasize how worth you are to proceed through this process. In fact, the people on this forum are undoubtedly the most kind, caring, and observant of others and how to support them. As for the interviews, remember that they are still being distributed until mid-March :slight_smile: It seems to be in a randomized order, and my last name starts with a Z.

Looking at your essays will only make you worry more, and remember that you absolutely filled your essays, brimming them with your personality. I myself when writing them had one brain cell, and cried for about 2 hours as I wrote it on the way to a 5am church mass that I hoped would calm me from deferral after deferrals from colleges. Very specific, I apologize, but I can tell that people are getting so stressed, and I really wish I could give you all a virtual hug. Seriously, you and every other student worked equally hard and with the troubles that covid is causing during this tumultuous time, I can say we worked hard enough :slight_smile:

I agree, definitely is super scary, I was going to ED2 for a school because of how tired I was of completing an insane number of apps, getting deferred from my top few along sophie, I did 37 out of worry, all to avail of how much of an insanity it brings.

Thank you for being here, and sharing your thoughts. Seriously I mean it, people on reddit forums are insanely toxic but I am glad to be surrounded by individuals as aspiring to attain a better for the future medical advances, and I hope you see that in yourself too.

I hope you and everyone here is staying safe, and I will most definitely update on how things go futurewise. In the end remember this. We will all have our own places to go in a few months, but expect to be surprised, things will work out for the best in your interest of what you want to pursue, do not be discouraged from a mere failure, it is only brining the best for you to see.

Again I speak to much and you can probably tell, but for now worry for each days struggles, and not the future ones. Life passes by quicker that you think, enjoy what moments you have of this process, and keep it uplifting!


Beautifully said.

I needed this! :100:

Tomorrow’s your big day & here you are lifting some of our spirits up. I hope you rock yours!! All the best,


Yo, if you didn’t cry at least once in this whole S.D process/application than damn you a tuff cookie, BECAUSE I can’t count how many times I shed a tear . Lol :joy:


Good luck on your interview tomorrow!!!

Thank you so much for your uplifting words. This is literally the most supportive college thread I’ve ever seen. I really wish for all of you guys to have an interview, or at the very least to get into one of your top schools :crossed_fingers:t3:

But it would be epic if we could all end up being classmates :wink:


Lol try explaining that 2 my crazy Asian Parents who think if I don’t get into Sophie or any of the Ivy’s I’m worthless :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


I still appreciate it tho lol

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Hahahah, I felt that, my middle eastern parents have similar expectations… unrealistic in all honesty, I am just hoping I can afford wherever I go lol

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Hey, how was your interview? I hope you rocked it lol. Good luck to you and everyone else.

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