Sophie Davis Fall 2021

same but no it doesn’t mean that. Sophie Davis will send you a separate email informing them of their interview decision if you get one and then on April 1st of final decision.


thank you @Toor03 !! i also had one last question does anyone know anything about HEOP at Columbia in particular?

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same I also got into city college, I pretty sure it doesn’t mean we got into Sophie just yet. But everyone who have upcoming interviews GOOD LUCK, you will do amazing. And to everyone who just had their interviews CONGRATS!!

Thank you so much for sharing your experience and congrats on your interview @MarrZak !

Did you get admission to CUNY prior to your Sophie Davis interview invite? If so, how much earlier was your CUNY admission?

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Thank you! :slight_smile: I actually only just received my CCNY admission a few hours ago today, I think the CUNY School of Medicine was more on top of the applications in terms of a response than CCNY was, I think I was admitted today at around 6pm

I think they are sending out interview invites all through March

Lol, so glad SD got to your file before CUNY :+1:

Did your CUNY admission email wish you luck on Sophie Davies review or did they already know you were interviewed and congratulated you on the interview @MarrZak ? My DD’s email is wishing her luck on her Sophie Davis consideration, wondering if it is standard wording.

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Yeah that’s what my email says too I think its the standard wording

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It is standard wording, congrats to your daughter! I believe most CUNY decisions have been released too!

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Hello guys,

I don’t usually talk on this forum but I was really worried and I needed your help.

I have received my acceptance from City College. After receiving the email, I realized that I used different email addresses for my CUNY application and my Sophie Davis application due to technological issues. I was worried that might be an issue since Sophie Davis also requires to fill a general CUNY application. Although from different email addresses, the name and other information is the same on both applications.

I have emailed but have not received a response yet.

If there is anything else I should do, please let me know. I would really appreciate it.

k idk if this is helpful but when u get accepted to city theres a portal on the email that u make an account on and I saw u can change the profile info…maybe u can change ur email?? gl dude

Thanks for replying but honestly at this point I have given up. There are just problems on top of more problems. For the science recommendation letter, I got a letter from my AP Psychology teacher because we get a science credit for it but I got an email from them saying that I’m missing my science letter (they’re not considering psychology). I’m just disappointed that I worked so hard on Sophie’s application and did not even have a chance to be considered.


Idk where your school is located but for NYC AP Psychology is considered as a History credit not Science. That’s why I had my last science teacher send me one. Try to contact your last year science or previously.

You should also contact your AP Psych teacher to verify if it’s a “science” course. Maybe you could send it to Sophie.

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Firstly, my email is also different for Sophie Davis and CCNY. I don’t think its a problem, but YOU CAN change it on CUNYfirst.

Secondly, psychology is a science because you use the scientific method but sometimes its considered a social science like sociology and economics. Try emailing them and see what they think you can do. Tell them I cannot get another rec letter I dont want to jeapordize admissions. And ask them if you can get an extension. If you have a science teacher now email them right now and ask them if they can write it to you. So first try to ask them to consider the psych letter or ask them for an extension but dont give up just yet. Email them ASAP.

Thirdly, I am really sorry you have to go through this. I know it seems like a lot but don’t give up until you have tried everything. Write a convincing email


I wish you the best of luck. Don’t worry. Since they emailed you letting you know that it is "missing’ then just email and ask if you could send another one. I am sure they will understand. I wish you the best of luck and don’t lose hope.


Thank you guys sooo much for your help. I received a response from them stating that I can send them a recommendation letter from another science teacher ASAP. I’m working on that right now. I nearly gave up on Sophie Davis after crying my eyes out for an hour. But now I have hope again. I really want to be your classmate this fall! You guys are amazing!


See!! I told you DO NOT LOOSE HOPE!!! That goes to everyone on this thread.


I’m so glad to hear everything worked out for you! There isn’t an application portal for Sophie Davis so I’m sure lots of people had similar problems as you.

Again, good luck to everyone in getting an interview!!!

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This happened to my D. She asked her high school science research director who has taught her for two years for the LOR since he knows her best and he was accompanying her in many science research competitions. When the teacher wrote the LOR, he put his highest title ( he is the president of WESEF). (Btw his LOR didn’t cause an issue for the rest of the BSMD programs she applied to).

Just to be sure my D emailed Sophie on Dec3rd, to verify whether the application was complete. On Dec 16th they emailed saying they are missing the science LOR. When she explained he actually has taught her, they said he could again write another one as the science teacher which he did on Dec 17th. She again emailed that day itself to Sophie to check whether the application was complete. We got no reply so just when we thought all was done, my D got a reply on the eve of the last date ( dec 30 evening) that science LOR was missing.

She emailed all the people in Sophie’s quoting all the dates and that at this last minute she is at a loss as what to do. They assured her if they haven’t received the second letter she wont be penalized and that she can make him send again. But the next day they said they found the second one. It was strange and caused a lot of tension but sometimes you just have to politely state that you have completed the application on time and also quote all the email dates of your communication and also if you had received the email from them ( if you had received) that the application is now complete.

I wish you much luck but please go to the site and email the dean, Asst dean etc that you should be considered since you submitted everything on time and hopefully make your Psychology teacher write an explanation or that you can make another science teacher send another one asap ( Hope you have an understanding science teacher and be honest with them that you thought Psychology was ok)