Sophie Davis Fall 2021

Ok guys I’m back from the interviews and I have to say this was by far the most welcoming and well-knitted community I have ever seen. This may get extensive but this was some of the steps…

You should head over 15 minutes BEFORE the timeframe you are given, for example, I had a time slot of 1:30pm but went in at approximately 1:15pm.

You will be put in a general room with undergrad students that keep you engaged, and welcomed :)) I was able to talk to some of them and they were undoubtedly so kind! I believe I was with maybe 3-4 other students being interviewed as well.

They stated interviews will be given until March, and that they can only conduct interviews twice each week, and this was week 2, day 2 so far, and I believe we were the fourth batch of students. Also, they emphasized that there is no advantage to an earlier interview in February vs. March so everyone on here I know you can do just as well as anyone else, don’t feel discouraged by the time notion!

The first interview was with a wonderful undergraduate student, and it felt like a very engaging conversation, filled with experiences, and I didn’t even notice I was over the time, but nevertheless absolutely very well-rounded.

The second interview was with a doctor who was literally so sweet, and asked me to talk about my research and on some weaknesses/strengths, moments where I was able to learn something new. The doctor also rendered one of the essay lines that was significant, and I explained further which I knew was something I would love to contribute within the community.

The last interviewer was from the admissions committee, and was undoubtedly kind and very loving in retrospect to working in the sophie davis community. I was asked why be a physician and not a nurse, or even a physician assistant, and I asked questions in the end!

I was one of the last people out… I think I was the last person lol, but besides that, I was able to notice that each person was really interested in what I had to say, and is looking for a reason to admit you to the class. They want a group of students who are willing to work for the greater good, and it was very evident that this was being fulfilled!

Some tips :slight_smile:
Please do not be so formal and rigid, these are people who want a casual convo!
Talk about things that matter to you, not things that will just “impress”
Be yourself, seriously, I was told that the fluidity when I spoke was something that was good, everyone has something special, convey that!
Go in with a smile!
Now nail the interview!

I explained to the admissions officer that when speaking to people on forums like this (talking about you all)… I was already able to notice a cohesion and similar motive to work collaboratively instead of against each other. Regardless of the outcome of my decision, I stated that I knew already from speaking with people like you all, I can already see a future class that is going to prosper substantially!

Ok seriously though, I’m incredibly drained, and I apologize for the extensive writing, I hope you all are doing well, and keep your heads up! I know something great is destined for us :slight_smile:


check my recent post here haha, I updated as promised!

Thank you so much for all your advice! I hope that you get an acceptance. Good luck to you and everyone else on this forum again.


Thank you! I wish the best of luck to you and all students, you got this!

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Quick question do you know how many students they interview each week since you mentioned they on,y interview twice a week?

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You wow me so I’m sure you def wow them ! :slight_smile: great job!!! I wish you the best of luck & with an acceptance.

Thank you for the tips & advice.

Also do you remember like a question or two they asked you? Ik it varies for us all but I just wanted to know if you knew a few.

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By research do you mean essay? I wasn’t sure what you meant.

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I think some of the most common were “What weaknesses/strengths do you have”, “Why sophie davis”, “Why become a physician and not any other profession”, “What are some of your hobbies/interests”, and “Tell me about yourself”, other than that it was really specific to me so it depends, but I am glad to help in any way, and thank you!

by research, I spoke about the research I was conducting under a mentor at my school. In terms of the essay, it was brought up about a part I wrote that stood out to the reader, and I was asked to further explain it.

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Aww AMAZING!!! Great job !!!

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Thank you so much for your update! I’m glad that your interview went well and I really hope you get an acceptance!!!
One thing though, you estimated that around 8 people gets an interview per week, and I’m not sure if I’m just doing the math wrong but that does not add up to 200-300 interviews LOL. Then again, they may be doing things differently this year.

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Thank you! I apologize I may have made a small mistake in that estimate but like I said I’m giving as much info from what they have stated so far and as a rough estimate, not 100%, I know for a fact that they are interviewing the range you stated of 200 or more, and I wouldn’t worry too much! They are making a comprehensive class of good students, I know you and other students here are going to make it!

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Haha, I get what you meant by 8 students a week. That’s the first thing that popped into my head when reading that paragraph. Thank you so much for going out of your way and giving us all this information though. I really appreciate it. I wish I could I just forward this thread to show how much we care about this school LOL.


Where you nervous before it started?

At least you’re pass this stage, and can rest well LOL

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Hahah I agree! We are probably so overly on top of this at the moment, but we are a lovely class! Demonstrated interest anyone? :sunglasses:

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Oh, most definetly! I think I was able to relax maybe 4 minutes into it though! I will say that I was openly communicating and laughing which is pretty contagious… but I was so comfortable a few minutes in and I think we all should be very willing to make a regular convo, they were super willing to maintain that nature!


Thank you:)

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Last question for me, did they ask about your extracurriculars/ Community service.

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They asked about those things! I talked about some of my community work, and how it mirrored to possibly being done at sophie davis

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Hi guys, I just got into City College. I just had a question: getting into City doesn’t mean I did/didn’t get into Sophie right? Like I could still get an interview for Sophie? I was thinking about Macaulay, I got into Hunter & Baruch but the Macaulay decision comes out in March.