Sophie Davis Fall 2021

Hey guys this week is almost over. Hopefully, we all get an interview!!! Sometime soon.


Me too! I hope we all get a chance! Time is going by a bit :dash: fastā€¦

yeah, i just think its important to remember that there are students who get an interview invitation much later. especially considering interviews havent even started yet :woman_shrugging:

Right. Are you guys all in a NYC school?

My DC is OOS. Wondering how many here are from NY vs OOS?

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I live in New York but Iā€™m from Long Island!

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Iā€™m from Brooklyn, New York.


Oh nice ! ! Iā€™m from Queens, NYC

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Im also from Queens, NYC :sweat_smile:


Queens is pretty big tho Lmao


My C is also hoping to get a call for the interview. Good luck to all.


good luck to yall too! let us know if they do!


What do they exactly look at for the admission?
I have a 98 average but did not do any extracurricular around health/science,
do you guys think I still have a chance?

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Hey. A 98 average is really good. But so far what I have heard and read Sophie looks for well-rounded students. But do not give up Sophie is really unpredictable so everyone has a chance. I wish you the best of luck. Donā€™t worry as long as you have extracurriculars then you should def have a chance, in my opinion. Good luck once again

Thatā€™s an amazing average, congratulations! I am not nearly as knowledgeable as the other people in this forum, but if you conveyed your interests in medicine in your essay well (like personal experiences or reasons), then I donā€™t see why not. I always do hear that this program is very holistic and especially during this time where volunteering is closed, they wonā€™t expect everyone to volunteer at a hospital.

This is just what I got from other people in this forum, Iā€™m not from the city. Good luck!!!

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I feel like in hellšŸ˜‚ right now. Worrying and thinking about it the whole day, I am literally praying everyday.


Donā€™t worry. As long as you did your best then everyone has a chance. Just keep praying. I wish you the best of luck. Do let us know if you get an interview invitation.

But you should read the website and the general Sophie Davis page. They have important information and detailed descriptions of what they are looking for. Hope that helps.


On top of that I also apply for stony brook medicine program, I received an offer to stony brook general admission, but waiting for the medicine program to rely. God why? canā€™t we donā€™t early.

Also I did talk to a sophie student who worked with admissions about my concerns. I believe I talked about how I didnā€™t talk about a medical experience for my extracurricular essay and she just told me that they donā€™t expect you to be a doctor already, ā€œanything that shows youā€™re passionate, dedicated and hardworking is more than okay.ā€

There are lots of virtual shadowing apps on instagram right now, I would join some of them and do virtual shadowing to demonstrate your interest during an interview. They even log your hours!

And honestly, I think weā€™re all in the same boat. Iā€™m super nervous too. But we all worked really hard so Iā€™m praying that we all get an interview!


Itā€™s definitely going to be hard for the admissions committee to really choose due to the whole pandemic. But letā€™s not loose hope. I wish and pray that we all at least get an interview.

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