<p>Male, Half Jewish (Last name= Shapiro) by heritage, although my family has not been religious for generations.</p>
<p>GPA=3.5ish, I should get it up...</p>
<p>I'm taking the hardest courses available at my school, which is an urbanish school, 3000 students, only 50% of which are White. Getting into the top 10% will be easy because of the sheer number of, excuse my language, dumbasses.</p>
<p>However, my school does offer the IB program, which I will be fully enrolled in.</p>
<p>I am interested in Political Science and International Affairs.</p>
<p>My parents both went to Dartmouth, although my mom transferred out after 2 years. Both Phds: Dad = MIT Grad School, Mom = Harvard Grad School.</p>
<p>Colleges I am looking at:
Johns Hopkins
George Washington
Maybe Dartmouth or Amherst, although they are LARGE reaches</p>
<p>Although I was thinking a nice liberal arts college for undergrad and something in DC for Grad school.</p>
<p>My ECs are Horrid:
2Year JV 2 Year V Soccer
I'm going to do some track, haven't started yet
I am a founding member and board member of a out of school writing program</p>
<p>Now some questions:
I know at my school, IB courses are weighted by .5, how much will this help in admissions? Do colleges care about weighting?</p>
<p>I don't think so, but is there any way extended family alumni could help?</p>
<p>Any recommendations for more ECs?</p>
<p>Any other suggested colleges?</p>