You look like you’re off to a good start! Just some advice:
-if you have a chance to take an AP or advanced class as opposed to a regular one, always take the harder class (unless you KNOW you won’t do well in it). Colleges look for course rigor and if you are taking the most/more challenging courses that you are offered.
-take the sat subject tests after you take the class. Like, take Math 2 after pre-calc, and all the others after taking the corresponding physics classes. It might feel too early, but trust me- it’s much easier to take the subject tests right after learning the material as opposed to trying to relearn everything two years later.
-STUDY for the ACT/SATs and take practice tests for both. Some colleges want ALL scores sent in, and if you have a bad “just to see where i am” test, then it shows up.
-Try to get more ECs in, and with lots of variety. what you have is good, but expanding it will not hurt. It also gives you a lot to talk about during college interviews, especially if something is unique or different (ex: everyone asks me about knitting club).
-GRADES!! what you have now is good, but you can always improve! focus on getting As in your classes, and don’t neglect the ones that seem easy. A bad grade in an easy class sucks. An A- can hurt your GPA, so put in the effort to keep those extra few percentages. AND, don’t be afraid to take an AP class because it might hurt your GPA. Those classes tend to be weighted a lot- I got my first B last year in AP Calc and even with that, I had my highest yearly weighted (LOL lowest unweighted tho)
-if your school or area has an apprenticeship program, do one of those. Even if they don’t have one for aerospace, they definitely will have one for SOME type engineering.
-don’t be afraid to ask for help. There’s no shame in getting a tutor or going in to see a teacher early
that’s pretty much all I can tell you. Ask your guidance counselor for advice, they will be able to tell you more.
OH ALSO get familiar with your guidance counselor! don’t be afraid to talk to them about stuff. The better they know you, the more that helps with applying. They’ll be able to write a better letter of recommendation and there’s less of a chance of there being some sort of mishap.
hope this helped!!