Sophomore seeks chances and ADVICE

<p>Here we go...</p>

<p>White Female, brand spankin' new high school in good area </p>

<p>Old SAT (Dec.): 1400 (770 V, 630 M)
Practice new SAT (March?): 2190 (780 W, 750 CR, 660 M)
PSAT: 207 (70 W, 79 CR, 59 M)
SAT II: Lit: 780 Bio-M: 770
AP (all scores realistically predicted): Bio- 5, US Gov- 5, Lang- 5
Rank: 1/~380
GPA: Not sure... ~103% w, ~94% uw</p>

<p>I interview very well... adults like me ;-) Probably excellent rec's, too.</p>

<p>Junior Year Schedule: (open to suggestions... thinking about AP Chem)
AP Lit
AP Euro
AP Calc
AP Stats
AP Psych

<p>Self-studying over summer: AP Micro/Macro, Human Geo, LOTS of SAT Math! :-P (Sounds like a great break, huh?)</p>

<p>EC's (as they stand now):</p>

<p>Viola, school orchestra, 4th chair
Viola, all-county, 2nd chair
Viola, tri-county, 4th chair</p>

<p>Newspaper, Education Editor</p>

<p>Church powerpoint/MediaShout leader: two years (5+ hrs a week)</p>

<p>Other typical church EC's (teaching VBS, painting trailers, etc.)</p>

<p>Gave 12 inches of hair to Locks of Love, donating another 12 as soon as I can get my hair cut. My goal is to enventually donate my hight in hair. (Why not? I'm not using all that dead stringy stuff)</p>

<p>Recently inducted into school's National Honors Society</p>

<p>Attending University of Maryland's Biomedical Science summer camp (not one of those "give me $5000 and you're in" deals... it's pretty selective and you get a $250 stipend at the end. How cool is that???)</p>


<p>I was homeschooled for middle school and freshman year, so I've only been at my high school a year. It really wasn't an easy transition; thus, the lack of extracurricular involvement. </p>

<p>Here's the kicker... I think that we're moving this summer to Northern Virginia. Ouch. On one hand, I'm excited--my Dad loves his new job, and I love William and Mary almost as much as I love in-state tuition. On the other, it took me this long to build semi-friendships... but enough with the emotional gobbledegook. </p>

<p>As for colleges I'm thinking about... my family makes enough to qualify for zip financial aid, but not enough to pay $40,000 a year. I have three siblings following down the shoot, so basically, I need the merit aid. However, I know I'm thinking about these schools:</p>

<p>Wake Forest
William and Mary (personal fav)

<p>If I had $$, I'd be thinking about these schools:</p>

Columbia (??)
Oxford in England (if I decide to major in English... despite my stinky math abilities, I really think I'd like to be a doctor.)

<p>Basically, I'm looking for small southern schools with generous merit aid. </p>

<p>Anyone's advice will be amazingly appreciated!</p>

<p>If I forgot anything, ask and I'll add it on.</p>

<p>don't get discouraged to appying to schools like columbia just because of aid problems! most of the time, schools, espescially the ivies, are incredibly well endowed. This means you can get really awesome deals at these schools. Don't get discouraged because of aid! Aim high! </p>

<p>P.S.-You sound like you would have a great chance at the schools you are applying to.</p>

<p>Awww... thanks. It's such an awkward balance--you want to shoot as high as you can, but, naturally, you want to avoid being shot down!</p>