<p>Your major includes biology, chemistry, and physics in the title! I apologize for my ignorance, but is this a biology major? Each field is different.</p>
<p>I disagree with molliebatmit about the sciences in general. Physics is highly score dependent, and for very good reason. Physics majors must be proficient in the basics as well as have solid research in order to be considered for graduate school. I think UCSB has a “requirement” of a 800+ on the Physics GRE (on their website), which indicates that they take scores very seriously. I’ve seen these sorts of requirements for most top physics schools. Chemistry is more lax, but it’s very hard to overcome a mediocre GPA. However, since the OP comes from a difficult school, that works in the OPs favor.</p>
<p>If this is indeed a biology major, then I agree completely with molliebatmit. I’d like to point out that different departments put different weights on the application, so the OP should definitely apply to more than just Harvard and Stanford. </p>
<p>What matters most is what you have contributed and how you have contributed to the research. Hypothetically, if you’ve contributed the same amount as someone with a 3.8 GPA who has spent three times as much time doing research, I’d argue that you have more potential. 6 years of undergraduate research isn’t always a good thing; there’s a point of diminishing returns, and I’ve seen it. Graduate schools are admitting people based off research potential.</p>
<p>With that said, you surely have contributed to research in different ways than your peers. You can stand out by having a different research experience than them. If your peers put in 10 hours a week, you can put in 20 hours a week. If you take independent control over your project, my experience leads me to believe that some PIs will allow you to have more input into the research direction, which works in your favor. There are many ways to contribute to a lab; you should be able to identify what more you can do.</p>
<p>I read somewhere on here that Harvard BBS has a 25% admittance rate.</p>
<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/graduate-school/604009-how-hard-mit-harvard-health-sciences-technology.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/graduate-school/604009-how-hard-mit-harvard-health-sciences-technology.html</a></p>
<p>This statistic is definitely in your favor if it’s true. I don’t necessarily believe it, though, given that physics and chemistry admittance rates are more than 1/2 that percentage (closer to 1/3 of that percentage in general from what I’ve seen). I know Yale’s entire graduate school admitted ~5% (~500/9500) this year, so I have a hard time believing that Harvard number.</p>
<p>As far as I have researched the topic, the government/industry/etc. recognizes all top programs in the specific field. It’s not like the government favors Brown Biology over MIT/Johns Hopkins/Rockefeller/SRI/Stanford/Berkeley/Caltech etc. Biology (Top 10 programs) - that just doesn’t make sense.</p>