sororities/ fraternities!

<p>does anyone know when we find out information about sororities/ frats and rush??</p>

<p>also, does anyone have comments or opinions about rushing in the fall quarter versus the spring quarter??</p>

<p>You will find out all you want to know that first week you are there. Just keep your eyes open for signs and notices about dates and times of rush. I think the Fall rush last year was either the first or second week of school. Most people agree that rushing Fall quarter is better because if you are really interested it gives you the opportunity to get involved early and have those experiences all year long rather than rushing in the Spring and having the year be over soon after you pledge.</p>

<p>yep, its better to do it'll meet so many new people, and your pledge class will be large, so you get pretty close to the girls.</p>

<p>my advice is to rush in the fall of your <em>sophomore</em> year, not frosh. People who rush frosh year end up being "super-sorority" people, devoted to their house and ignoring/indifferent to almost everyone else. A little overgeneralization, maybe, but I think its caused by rushing frosh year. Everyone starting college is anxious about meeting new people, whether they'll fit in, etc. A house promises instant friendship, and as part of the whole initiation process you'll spend a LOT of time at the house and with your fellow members. This seems to lead to building friendships among them and a distance from other students.</p>

<p>another disadvantage of frosh rush is that its a pressure cooker; you've barely spent a few days at college and now you need to make a big decision on what girls you want as friends, and they're judging you too. Why not spend frosh year making friends in the dorms, getting used to college, AND meeting girls from various houses? Over the course of a year you'll have plenty of time to figure out what houses would be right for you, and if you make some friends in them you'll have some allies pulling for you when you do rush (and you'll still have 3 years to enjoy membership).</p>

<p>My 2 cents, anyway.</p>

<p>which sororities are good such as social scene/ philanthropy/nice house/ not slutty, but not LOSERS!</p>

<p>oooh yea...i'd like to know, too.</p>

<p>hot/slutty: tri delts and delta gamma</p>

<p>ugly: gammi phi beta.</p>