Sorority dues debunked

<p>So I thought it might be helpful to break down the sorority bills and fees so y’all would understand better why it seems so costly :).</p>

<p>First of all you need to understand that a sorority is not only a sisterhood, social group and home to your girls but it is also a business. It pays dues to it’s national GLO who in turn supports their philanthropy and offers amazing programs and opportunities to your DD’s as well as alums.</p>

<p>It is highly unlikely that your DD would live in the sorority house her freshman year (if an opening occurs at semester I know a few girls who have left the dorm to move in but it’s rare) so the first thing on your bill will be Out of House Rent (fee). This fee covers your DD’s daily usage of the sorority house. I know she doesn’t live there but I would hope (and encourage her) to spend as much time as possible there. Eating meals studying, hanging out to watch a favorite tv show all help to bond you with your sisters. So…girls lie on the couch, they sit in the chairs, they use the water, the electricity, the cable tv, the wireless…In addition this fee pays for the salaries of the house staff, the house mom, the security guard. Out of House Rent pays for the daily expenses of running a sorority house. Included in this is also some thing called a Parlor Fee. This fee helps to pay for furniture that needs to be relpaced…a new Keurig ect. This fee may also reflect an increase if your DD’s sorority is one of the new houses or one of the sororities that are in the progress of building or will be building in the next year.</p>

<p>Let’s talk meals. When your DD accepts her bid the University will be notified and ehr meal plan will change. To be quite honest with you I haven’t really paid a lot of attention to the changes in this area but the point is you are now paying for your DD to eat and the house…and she should!!! Again…great way to meet some of the 282 members that make up your sisterhood :). All sororities do not charge the same amount for food. In fact it can vary by as much as $500 or more. What you get though is some combination of meals throughout the week. Generally speaking you get breakfast lunch and dinner Monday through Friday…many houses have Fried Friday lunch…some have a meal on Sunday. All will have a meal on Game Days. In most circumstances your DD may being a guest to game day meals and if you are visiting I urge you to enjoy it as well. Some houses have “open” kitchens. what this means is that there are light snacks (bagels, bread, peanut butter, pop tarts, bags of chips, microwave popcorn, fruit, granola bars ect.) available 24/7 for the taking…if your DD’s house has an open kitchen chances are your food bill will be a little higher…again varies from house to house.</p>

<p>Most sororities have a building fund. As you know 4 sororities have new houses (at a cost of appx 10.4 million per house)…gotta pay for that some way. Ye I know you pay through the house dues but you will also get hit here. The building fund also will pay for short term capital improvements like remodels, new computers, carpet, floors.</p>

<p>Next comes Chapter dues. These cover your DD’s attendance at and involvement with her sorority in all educational. social and philanthropic activities. So…that retreat your DD will take on Bid Day…yup it’s paid for here. Swaps, date parties, dances, philanthropy events, sisterhood events all are paid through here. The good news is you are not writing checks or depositing $$$ all the time but it is kind of an “ouch” at first.</p>

<p>National dues…remember I told you that each sorority is affiliated with their national organization…just like it costs to keep the house running it costs to keep things running at the national level and so each chapter pays dues. These dues support programs that your DD will directly benefit from both as a member and an alum. This is paid annually in the fall…it will not be on your spring bill.</p>

<p>New Member fees…this is a one time fee as well (again in the fall of bid year). It pays for initiation costs, national pledge fee, national initiation fee and your daughters badge (pin). So you should know that your DD will receive the plain old plain old pin…nothing fancy…no bling. You want bling…yup gonna cost you $$$$$$ (oh btw in most cases that might be an extra check, credit card but I do know that some houses have upped their pi to bling because so many girls wanted it.)</p>

<p>The infamous t-shirt account also called the Purchase Fund Acct. When your DD pledges you will asked to put a suggested amount ($300) in what is called a Purchase Fund Account. This account is for the purchase of t-shirts and other items that the sororities make throughout the year. Busymom is right…they make t-shirts for EVERYTHING and often times more than one (long sleeved, short sleeved…different pattern). When your DD signs up for a t-shirt hte amount is debited out of her PF acct. when the shirt is delivered…now pay attention…I repeat “when it is delivered”. Tell your DD to keep track and keep a debit list so she remembers what she spends because if you check her purchase fun account it might look like she has $$$ when she really doesn’t. This acct also pays for zaps (pics taken by, a professional photographer at every event…including Bid Day), sunglasses, tervis tumblers ect. It is common to ask for a credit card to be on file for the purchase fund account…if the account dips below $100 then the card is charges in $100 increments. My DH says that I should share this (He’s embarrassed …he wants you to know this) that in the past 3 years DD has racked up a $2700 purchase fund debit…oops!!!</p>

<p>If your DD goes old row there will be an additional charge…about $500 or so (My DD is not old row). This pays for an extra event during the year and the honor of being “old row”. </p>

<p>So you can see that sorority life adds up but hopefully you now understand the costs ect. The good news is that you do not have to pay this bill on Bid Day. If you attend Bid Day (by the way you should…not only is it an amazing, once in a lifetime day but you get a great meal as well) you should have some sort if a parent meeting (after brunch) where the fees and bill are discussed and a financial sheet is given out. Usually a bill should arrive in your mailbox around September 1st and is generally due before the 15th. You can pay the whole thing or for and extra $30 deferment fee you can pay in 3 monthly installments. FYI…these bill go up yearly. DD is a member of one of the sororities that built a new house (they just moved in…so excited!!). Since she pledged in 2010 out bill has gone from appx $3000 per semester to almost $7500 (she lives in)…so…just prepare for it. </p>

<p>While I do not have the exact numbers for all of the houses for 2013 I do have them for 2010 and so I can help you have some sort of a ball park figure if you pm me. I have to share that in my opinion every single penny is worth it! The experiences my DD has had and will have are memorable and life changing. I am very glad and very proud that she is Greek and a member of a sorority at The University of Alabama.</p>

<p>Thanks for breaking it all down for us, ahpimommy! I will be have a discussion with DD about the T Shirt/Zaps account and teaching a little financial control before she gets there (as if it will do any good!).</p>

<p>There is a good bit of variation in terminology from sorority to sorority, but what aphimommy says pretty much holds true for every group, more or less. If you live in the house, of course, the cost is more. Not EVERY meal is provided 7 days a week…I think the schedule doesn’t include Friday night, Saturday or Sunday supper…it depends on the house. Often the security guard fee is a separate line item…I’ve seen “building fee” also called “house corporation fee”…“sinking fund” for “purchase fund”…</p>

<p>Back when daughter was living in the house (10 years ago), past the first year the cost was around $700 or so extra over what it would cost in a dorm or apartment. That’s no longer true.</p>

<p>I think the only thing I’d add is that my daughter’s sorority uses something called “Greek Bill” to handle all payments. I didn’t quite get what this was the first time I received it because it wasn’t coming directly from her sorority. Sometimes it also looks like you’re getting a bill when, in fact, you have a credit on your account because your kid finally did figure out she didn’t need to buy every tshirt offered!</p>

<p>Ahpimommy - This is hands down the best explanation of sorority fees ever! Greek life it not cheap…but this details out why. </p>

<p>I do want to add that D’s house had the payment plan that you mentioned. Ours was spread over 6 months (3 each semester). D’s roommate’s payment plan was spread over 10 months…So each house is different. We also found that last year the spread between old row and new row was more substantial. Probably between $1500/2000 a semester. </p>

<p>The one nice thing that we found out about Greek Life is that it is very social across houses. What I mean is that D has friends in so many houses that she socializes and is friends with. You don’t stay locked in your circle of girls from your house.</p>

<p>I agree with everyone…Greek life at Bama is social across the houses. My DD also has friends in many different sororities.
As mentioned above different sororities use different billing companies and yup payment plans will vary.
Southlander is correct language varies from sorority to sorority and bill to bill but basically you are billed for the same thing in each house.
Whitlo is correct the t-shirt fund account (I think that’s what she’s referring to0 can be confusing. If you have $$$ then you balance is shown as a -$ (minus dollar amount at least that’s the way it was for us. It was not explained that way and so the first time I saw her Purchase Fund account bill it said some thing like -$98.63…I nearly had a heart attack because I thought she was $98 in the hole!!! Called Greek Resources in a panic and they then explained that a negative number is good:). Whew!!!
Greek life is not cheap but I think that many if not most parents would agree that it’s worth the $$.
I was going to share that one thing DD’s sorority does each year is right after Bid Day the actives go through their t-shirt collection and “share” with the new pledges. I can’t go into details but each sorority has their own “rules” concerning pledges. One in DD’s house was that pledges cannot wear t-shirts from high school (sports ones ect). One way they dealt with this was what we call “The Great T-shirt Share”. DD loved it as a pledge. She tells the story that while walking on campus wearing a date party t-shirt from 2009 an active from a fraternity stopped her and asked if she was a member of XYZ? She replied yes. He then mentioned that he had been at that party and didn’t remember seeing her there and he would have for sure so was wondering where she had been hiding. Great pick up line…right?? Being my sweet innocent child she went on to give him the whole story of where she got the shirt and then told him she had a boyfriend in another fraternity. He ended up giving her his number and telling her if the boyfriend didn’t work out to call him…lol!!! See y’all…t-shirts are important!</p>

<p>It’s hard to compare house bills when going through rush because they included slightly different things. My DD’s pin was included in her fees, but it is an all pearl pin. A slightly more expensive option than plain. Her sorority also does not have separate charges for social events. All are included even if she chooses not to attend. I think some sororities charge for these only if you attend. I could be wrong about this.
There were huge differences in the published rates when my daughter pledged in 2010, but we were never sure if all the houses were including the same things in their assessments. I think they do a better job now of listing actual cost. But Apimommy is correct in her rundown of overall expenses.
This will be my DD senior year, I’m going to miss my trips to Tuscaloosa and UA. :frowning:
Unfortunately, we have been unable to attend parent’s weekend and other activities at her sorority house the last 2 years.Now it has been torn down to build a new one, and she will spend her senior year living at another house.
DD had a housing scholarship, but we felt it was important for her to live at least one year in the house with her sisters. Her sorority usually houses seniors, and the of course the exec board.
Good luck to all going through recruitment, and Moms, don’t stress over it. Enjoy the ride, it will be over before you know it!</p>

<p>Thank you for this explanation ! One question -
Why does the bill jump in price so much? On the website it says that it should cost around 3,000 (your lowest figure). While we could likely afford this if it’s something I can prove has value (my mother has reserves about letting me rush at all - we’re from the north and it’s not a big thing here, plus she’s just not the type for it) there’s no way I could ask them to pay upwards of 7000 a semester; no job I get would be able to afford that either.</p>

<p>The $7000 figure is for living in and actually it’s closer to $7500. I would budget $3500 for living out ($3200 plus $300 t-shirt). The reason the bill jumps is that you have to factor in the room and board part. Southlander is right…it used to cost more to live in a sorority than to live in a dorn but in today’s world of the very nice new dorms it does not.
For those who find this bill a struggle many sororities have scholarship monies available for initiated members (so not Freshman year).
I would say this…every year on Bid Day we have young women who after receiving a bid realize that they can’t pay the sorority bill and quit. This puts the sorority in a financial position and it takes a bid from a girl who maybe had that house as her first choice and didn’t get it and/or received no bid at all. This is partially why I did this post…even though I can’t give you exact numbers for each house I can give you ball park numbers. Make sure you have a conversation with your parents about the cost of joining a sorority before you go through the recruitment process.</p>

<p>THANK YOU!!!</p>

<p>I printed this out and handed one copy to DD and one to DH. So, all these t-shirts DD has packed to take with her that are high school related should stay home? I get the event t-shirts as it is similiar to high school when there is a t-shirt for every football game, the big rivalry game, homecoming, senior girls had a shirt, etc. I’m going to take a lot of them and have a quilt made. That will be more of a keepsake than a bunch of t-shirts. I don’t think she really packed any hs related shirts anyway. </p>

<p>As for the amount, if you look at the cost of living in a dorm (or off campus apartment) and the meal plan it really equals out. Add in the extra bonus of finding all of your future bridesmaids, lol. </p>

<p>I wish all of those poor souls that were on the online chat the other night that TXA heard asking what a rec was and so on could read this and know what all is involved. I can only imagine how heartbreaking it must be for a young lady to go thru all of rush, receive a bid and then have to turn it down as they had not idea the expense involved.</p>


<p>TxNewCollegeMom…future bridesmaids…yup there’s a t-shirt for that :).<br>
Seriously…each house has different expectations and rules for their pledges but I would not have your DD take many t-shirts from home. If she has (or goes buys) a Shirt Shop comfort colors t- shirt, a frocket, an Expeditions Tusk shirt, maybe a Traditions one, (I know y’all have a couple from Bama bound as well), a couple of random Alabama shirts and then she has her two from recruitment and orders the Bid Day shirt she’ll be fine :)…plus she can always borrow from her new sisters and her Bid Day buddy…</p>

<p>This information is appreciated. What a shame that it’s so expensive.</p>

<p>Although this is not related to finances, since there appears to be a few experts on this thread - would anyone be kind enough to walk me through this whole process? I’m only a senior this year so I’ve got a little time, but no one in my family has ever been Greek, and I live in Illinois so there’s not much exposure to this.
A few questions:

  • Recs: I know absolutely no one who has ever been in a sorority. There’s a local group, but it only has about half the sororities Bama does, and I heard it’s best to have two for each house. How else do I go about getting these?
  • Being Out Of State: Will this hurt my chances of getting a bid?
  • Grades: Maintaining my scholarship and getting into grad school are very important, will being in a sorority make it too hard to keep my grades up?
  • Old Row/The Machine: Can someone just explain this?
  • Dress: What do most girls wear? I need new clothes anyway since I’ll leave behind most of my stuff from high school for my sister anyway. I’ve heard lily Pulitzer and J Crew - Any others?
  • Worth: Finally, how can I explain to my mom that it’s worth it?</p>

<p>Thanks so much to anyone willing to answer!</p>

<p>AlmostLimitless…there are many of us who can help answer your questions…I sent you a pm and when you have 15 posts then you can send me one. I included my email…easier to answer that way but I will short answer here.
FYI…you are right to start working on this now. Finding and securing recs is time consuming if you do not have Greek ties. Ladies here will tell you that it takes time and patience as well as a little bit of “creeper” and “stalker”. Start asking everyone you know and meet. Ask teachers at school, people at church, where you work, mother’s of friends. Have your parents ask co-workers…grandparents ask friends. Go ahead and contact your local Panhellenic group. You might also contact your Alabama recruiter (many are Greek) as well as your local Alabama Alumni Chapter (if you have one). </p>

<p>Start to put together you resume now…you can add and adjust as you go through your senior year. Trust me senior year goes FAST…There is a specific format for resumes. I can email you a template if you like.</p>

<p>Being OOS is not a disadvantage. There are a lot of OOS girls in many houses on campus. I am not sure where you are form but I will share that when doing the OOS#s panhellenic goes include any state that is not Alabama (duh) and so the numbers are a little padded I think because they consider border states OOS and they are but those girls often have more connections in houses.<br>
Get your recs, keep up your GPA, go through with an open mind and you will be fine.
Being a sorority does not put a stress on your grades but rather supports and helps them. The sororities all stress grades…they are important. Each sorority wants to have the top house GPA…you will have required study hall hours and will be expected to keep your GPA at a minimum above a 3.0.
As far as dress goes you will see lots of variation. Yep…you will see Lilly and J Crew but you will also see tons of “non-designer” labels. I think you should be who you are…that way you will connect with and form bonds with those girls who are like you.
I think the worth value is tremendous when it come to networking and a sisterhood for life. My girls got their first jobs because they were sorority members. My older daughter was hired by a sister from another chapter. Sorority membership offers tons of leadership opportunities. No matter where you go there will be sisters close by. When we moved to Kansas City and I had an infant a toddler I immediately reached out to my local alum chapter. I had recommendations for sitters, doctors, places to shop. I was 1300 mile away from my family and home and yet I had a built in support system.
The women in my wedding were my sorority sisters. Two of the godmothers of my children are sisters. I talk to my “big” (even though she is 800 miles away) almost every day. When I went home to visit this spring I spent the day with a group of my sisters. Like anything you get out what you put in but just my opinion the rewards as above and beyond the monetary price!
As far a Old Row and the Machine…Not going to go into that here…
Go into recruitment with an open mind. Each and every sorority at Alabama is chock full of amazing, talented young women (I can honestly say that because I personally know girls in every house on campus). If you keep an open mind, maximize your options by attending every party you are invited to and being open to every sorority that invites you back then I am confident you will find a house that is just the right fit for you</p>

<p>Thank you for this!</p>

<p>Ahpimommy, what a great idea, to talk with the local Alabama recruiter and Alabama alumni group! I hadn’t thought of that. Almostlimitless, once you find an alumna, ask her who else she knows in a sorority…we almost always know some others. Even if she can’t think of anyone on the spot, if she thinks of someone later she could e-mail you the info.
For what to wear, go to the UA Panhellenic website Hover your cursor over the Recruitment tab and a list will appear. Click on “what to wear” and take a look. You can also look at the photos from last year’s recruitment on their Facebook page. You don’t have to buy expensive clothes. It’s not the outfit; its how you wear it.</p>

<p>DD does not own one single Lily dress. There are some really cute dresses out right now. Look in all of the small inexpensive boutique stores for some great finds. Target even has some really cute dresses right now. </p>

<p>Yes, ask everyone you know to get a rec. Email all of your past teachers all the way back to kindergarten. Post on Facebook, have your parents and siblings post on their facebook. You would be surprised how easily you can find some. Your friends and parents friends could have an aunt, grandmother, etc that can write you a rec. just constantly ask everyone you know. Always mention to adults you run into you plan on rushing and need recs. Most of all, don’t sweat it. DD has like 8 recs for some houses and none for others.</p>

<p>my DD has been in a sorority for two years and does not own a single lilly dress <gasp!>.</gasp!></p>

<p>it is not a requirement. :slight_smile: honestly, she doesn’t really like lilly dresses.e type of dresses she feels comfortable in and that she looks good in, provided that they are modest enough for sorority functions.</p>

<p>every girl should wear th</p>

<p>Ahpimommy gives great advice, and we are lucky to have her on this forum. My daughter contacted the local Bama Alumni chapter and was able to secure recs for 9 of the chapters on campus. We know it’s not as good as a personal rec, but it’s something :-)</p>