Sorority life at UA

hello all. I was wondering if anyone knew if joining a sorority at alabama limited what other extracurriculars you could do. i found a couple of clubs I would like to join, but worry if i rush I will be unable to join. i have heard this from people who are incoming students though so if any current or past students/parents know anything about this it would be greatly appreciated!!

Sororities actually encourage their members to be active in clubs and other activities! You should have no problem at all getting involved in other aspects of campus life.

@Roo17 thank you!! thats so reassuring actually haha

That’s a great question, and Roo17 is right - sororities actually encourage their members to be active in other organizations. Your first semester might, however, limit how active you are. As a new member, you will have both chapter meetings AND new member meetings, plus other duties to keep you busy. And if you serve as an officer, that will also restrict your time, somewhat. But if you plan your time - something sororities tend to train you to do - it should be no problem at all. Welcome, and Roll Tide!