University of Alabama - sorority vs other activities

2018 dtg from MN wants to rush this fall and maybe tryout for club lax and is on pre med track. Any insight into the time commitment needed for sororities? She is coming from a large high school (AAAA) in MN and is involved in tennis, basketball, lax. She has a large active friend group. So she is use to 6am basketball practice all summer, practices after school then eats then studies then bed and still gets a 4.3 GPA. So…very involved and can still keep grades up but I am slightly concerned as a parent that she may overextend herself in college especially with a sorority. She is one that will also be finding research to do if possible freshman year. Any advise would be appreciated. Thanks.

She sounds like she has the time management thing down pat! She should be fine! Yes, sorority life is a large time commitment, especially the fall of freshman year however not everything is mandatory and if she has a conflict with another activity it is generally not a problem if she needs to miss an occasional meeting or event. Sororities actually encourage their members to be involved in other aspects of campus life so she will fit right in!

I agree with Roo17…she will want to note that certain sorority activities will be required. Workshops, special events, especially the two weeks of recruitment prep and recruitment…that’s about 16 or 17 days in August that are non-optional. It’s a huge adjustment for even the best organized kid - far away from home, no close friends, different foods, different living quarters, no parental supervision, giant classes when she may be used to almost one-on-one attention…not to mention all the distractions of fall, including football games, homecoming, social events etc. I would suggest she take it a little bit easy the first year. She can always add more activities as she goes.
We did have an adviser that wanted my daughter to take 12 hours instead of 15 her first semester because she expected to be in a sorority. That was nonsense! Most kids should be able to handle 15 hours in basic courses. Unless there are extenuating circumstances, taking 12 hours will stretch out yor college career long past your money!