Sorority Recommendations

<p>I would suggest 9x12…you don’t want to have your resume, rec ect folded.</p>

<p>And after you get them COMPLETELY full, take then to the post office to be weighed,and then put one inside the NEXT BIGGEST SIZE ENVELOPE( the one in which you will mail the first to the rec writer) and have it weighed for postage: Two envelopes ( one big, one bigger) per rec.</p>

<p>Does anyone have any idea of the best place to find the correct address? The Panhellenic website has the chapter profiles on them where there is a link to each chapter’s website. But not all the websites are up to date. There is also a link on each profile for the 2013 chapter brochure and some groups list the address (which I assume is correct since its from 2013), but some don’t. They don’t make it easy. Help!</p>

<p>On the RECRUITMENT tab, scroll to LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION. There is a place to click to give you a complete list…</p>

<p>This list has “alpha Pi” instead of Alpha Phi, and,</p>

<p>I believe that the zip for KAT should be 35486 instead of the 35401 they have listed…it is 35486 going back for years…so I used that. But buyer beware.</p>

<p>Other than that, I used this list as is.</p>

<p>I too spent hours cross-checking and quickly became confused…then I called the Great and Powerful Oz in Kansas…and she calmed me down. ;-)</p>

<p>That’s a different list than the one I printed a month or so ago. We will assume all addresses are correct. They must have corrected KAT zip code because it now reads 35486, as you said it should. Thanks!</p>

<p>The Phi Mu address is also different than the address I printed from the chapter profiles page on 3/23. (I hope that they have forwarding because I think that rec may already be in the mail to Tuscaloosa.)</p>

<p>" the Great and Powerful Oz in Kansas"</p>

<p>do you mean missouri? :)</p>

<p>Just as DD was finishing up addressing the Alpha Phi envelopes, we see that the zip on that is different than the others. Any chance 35401 is correct? aphimommy?</p>

<p>Well, I certainly hope the addresses on the website are correct because those are the ones we used and all of her packets are out. Would it be safet to assume that they will be redirected to the correct houses since they are labeled with the sorority’s name?</p>

<p>OZ here…yep live in Missouri :)…
TN and BAMAom…yes the APhi zip code is correct as written.
Ladies…here’s the deal. As you remember there is a post office change at UA. There was scrambling to secure new PO Boxes…updating those addresses took some time (UA Panhellenic had to rely on the sororities to get back with them to confirm addresses). With the change and since some sororities did not have someone to pick up rec packets this summer there were also some changes that had rec packets sent to alums (in some cases alum recruitment advisers). In the case of recs being sent to advisers this could also have come from powers that be.
I am sure that anything that is going to the previous PO Box will be forwarded…not sure what will happen to the ones going to alums…fingers crossed that their address is the forwarding address for that sorority.
momoftriplets…I received several packets that had the wrong address. I have these very cute address stickers so I just re addressed them and sent them on. I am sure that other alums will do the same thing…don’t worry!!</p>

<p>Can I tell you how nervous it makes me that I could have used the wrong address? It makes me crazy.</p>


<p>Just need SOMETHING I can convince myself I have some control over…events are overtaking me and my baby looked like a young WOMEN in that darn prom dress !!! Not ready, not ready…trying to get ready. ;-)</p>

<p>Mine did, too! They’re growing up too fast for all of us, but I’M SURE WE’LL ALL BE FINE!</p>

<p>(All caps so I can convince myself as well). :)</p>

<p>Hi everyone! I’m getting ready to send out all of my packets, and my mom and I have been freaking out about making sure everything is in there. Just to check, is this all we will need to send to our rec writers? </p>

<li>Photos (headshot and full body)</li>
<li>Letter about myself and what to do when writing the recommendation / show my appreciation for them being willing to write it</li>
<li>Thank you note</li>
<li>Transcript (unofficial since school won’t release official to us. I’ll try to get the official sent to the proper sororities if possible at the end of the year)</li>
<li>Stamped and addressed envelope for them to send the resume, pictures, transcript and recommendation to sororities</li>
<li>Post card for them to send back when rec is sent in</li>

<p>Is there anything I’m missing? Is that all that the writers will include in the envelope they send on to the sororities? I’m stressing out way to much! Haha. Thank you for making this thread! It’s so helpful! :)</p>

<p>I think each sorority has their own form that is actually “the recommendation” which will go, along with photos, resume, etc.</p>

<p>Faith…you are good :)…don’t stress!!!</p>

<p>Thanks! I feel like I’ve spent years preparing for college applications and essays, but all of this stuff is so new to me! I’m so glad I found CC and all of you to help me sort through it!!! :)</p>

<p>I know what you mean! Everyone is saying you need two recs per sorority at bama and I know a total of three people that are affiliated with the greek system! I don’t think St.Louis Panhellenic has a meeting to help with recs either… What should I do?</p>

<p>StLgirl…I have not heard that St. Louis Panhellenic will be holding any sort of work shop for PNMs who are going through recruitment this fall. Since you cannot send private messages (pms) I will pm you my cell #…call me and I am happy to walk you through the process and tell you what to do… :)</p>

<p>StLgirl…have you asked all of your teachers at school, people you go to church with, people whom your parents work with, friends mothers, people you might babysit for…you need to reach out and ask everyone and anyone :).</p>