Sorry to be unoriginal but...chance me please?


<p>User Name: EMiLi3
Gender: F
Location: FL
College Class Year: 2015
High School: Public
High School Type: sends some grads to top schools</p>


<p>GPA - Unweighted: 3.80
GPA - Weighted: 4.20
Class Rank: top 25%</p>


<p>SAT I Math: 600
SAT I Critical Reading: 790
SAT I Writing: 600
SAT II French: 770</p>


<p>Significant Extracurriculars: National Honor Society,
National Science Honor Society,
National History Scholar Society,
Key Club,
Leadership positions: Head of National Honor Society committee fro community service,
Athletic Status - list sport and your level: Swim Team-Varsity,
Volunteer/Service Work: Taught English to children in French Polynesia,
AYSO (american youth soccer organization) assistant coach,
Tutoring Middle School Students (math, reading),
Little League Baseball concession stand,
Honors and Awards: Academic Honor Role
Readers Superintendent Award</p>

<p>Colleges of Interest:</p>

<p>College: University of Miami, Choice #: 1, ED/EA: No, Athlete: No, Legacy: No, Status: Applied/Pending
College: University of Florida, Choice #: 2, ED/EA: No, Athlete: No, Legacy: No, Status: Applied/Pending</p>

<p>Have been working as a waitress for just over a year. 15-20 hrs. a wek.</p>

<p>ur in dude</p>

<p>Nice bro 4.20 gpa haha that’s sick. Your in though</p>

<p>i hope so but i wont be able to go without a significant scholarship so…</p>