Southern Gentlemen - Wow!

<p>I’ve been in Atlanta for the past few days, and I’ve been blown away by the Southern men here. </p>

<p>When I went to put away my grocery cart into the parking lot stall, a man actually came up to me and told me he’d return it for me. lol</p>

<p>Then, at my hotel, it has free hot breakfast every morning. So, when I was carrying my plate and coffee back to my room, I had to go thru the pool area which has a gate. A man actually got up from his table inside the hotel dining area, walked quickly ahead of me, so that he could open the outdoor pool gate because my hands were full.</p>

<p>Then when I got to my bldg (still with full hands), a man ran ahead so he could slide his entry card and hold the door open for me. He actually commented about how he was glad that he was able to there when needed.</p>

<p>I wish I had a hidden camera and could put it on Youtube. </p>

<p>I <3 Southern men.<br>
Oh my.</p>

<p>Perhaps you’ve been projecting an especially fetching aura lately! :slight_smile:
Roll Tide!</p>

<p>wow! haven’t had things like that happen…EVER!</p>

<p>Maybe, they know that you are M2CK…btw, were you wearing a Bama shirt? Or they may be Bama alum!</p>

<p>But did the free hot breakfast include bacon?</p>

<p>I miss southern/Texan men. :(</p>

<p>When I tell people up here that the south is friendlier, they don’t agree, ha! Every time I go home to Austin, I discover it’s true.</p>

<p>Have never once regretted marrying a southern man. (well, maybe once :wink: )</p>

<p>I find men in the mountain west to be quite similar.</p>

<p>I married a Yankee from Wisconsin, but he’s an exception!</p>

<p>I think the difference between north and south is that STRANGERS are friendlier in the south. Once you get to know Yankees, they’re not bad. ;)</p>

<p>ha ha…no, I wasn’t wearing a Bama shirt. Since one guy had a Texas A&M belt on, it’s probably a good idea that I wasn’t in Bama gear.</p>

<p>Texans are not near as gracious as the deep south. Sadly :frowning:
I try to be and have taught my girls to help run ahead of moms with full hands,
pushing baby strollers, elderly, etc to catch the door. I married a Bama Boy so
it is nice to know that chivalry is still alive and well and that my own girls have seen it and
will expect it from their mates.</p>

<p>While in T-Town for Preview my own DD saw something and posted on her
tumblr that she saw a guy stand in the rain an extra 20-30 seconds to
hold the door open for a girl he did not even know.</p>

<p>D loves the manners that Southern boys have. She told us that the only boys that have asked her out on ‘dates’ are boys from the South. Seems that the boys from the North don’t do formal dates. D tried to pay one time, since she felt they were both ‘starving’ college students and the boy responded that his mom did not raise him that way.</p>

<p>I too feel like the South is much friendlier to strangers. But being a Southside girl from Chicago…I know that we Midwesterner’s are very friendly!</p>

<p>Well as a man living in the Atlanta area, I just wanted to say Thanks y’all :)</p>

<p>I think when we have folks asking about “culture shock” if they go to school in the South, we should refer them to this thread. </p>

<p>No, the culture shock won’t be because of nude beaches or outdoor bathrooms, but the manners could be shocking. ;)</p>

<p>^^^ I’ve heard some from the north think that our friendly attitude to strangers was meddlin in their business or only on the surface. I don’t see it that way at all. I’ll smile and say hi to strangers as we pass in the grocery store aisle. A little friendly conversation exchange at the checkout line that is all of a few lines being traded back and forth for a minute is just us being friendly and actually recognizing there is someone else in our world and it ain’t all about us. I like it that way. We get to know our neighbors, pick up each others mail when they are gone, watch after the place, etc and know when there is something out of place. Just think, if more people knew their neighbors and their family/friends then we would not be seeing news stories about elderly being found in their houses for months while the mail piled up and such. I like my neighbors :)</p>

<p>Southern men are nicer because Southern women are four times as attractive as Northern ones.</p>

<p>See slipply, there is a reason we love you.
You know a good woman when you see her.</p>

<p>You guys need to get up north more or stop watching stereotypical tv shows. Up north we do all of those nice things for each other too. My 82 year old father lived in NYC his whole life, never once a victim of a crime. He goes down to Georgia for a golf tournament, 2nd day gets robbed. I didnt bother to ask Dad if his robber was at least a gentleman. Go figure. We are all the same, north, south, east, west the only difference is the manner in which we do things. Northern women are beautiful, but I may have to concede on that one. My DS is hoping to meet a nice southern belle.</p>

<p>slipply! Ha - I know you didn’t mean to do that on purpose (I think) that but that’s a good one!</p>

<p>Busymom - you are darn right his momma raised him that way. :wink: S know better than to expect a woman to open a door, regardless of whether he know her or not. Especially if she is older than he is or is carrying stuff. He also pays for all their dates, I know his girlfriend has offer to pick up a tab or two, but he refuses. </p>

<p>NYBama - there are good and bad (and beautiful) people everywhere. I for one agree that people need to quit basing opinions based on TV. Just like everyone from the north is not like Jersey Shores or the Sopranos - everyone from the south are not shotgun carrying, overall wearing, ignorant rednecks. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: Good luck on getting a southern belle for a Daughter in law some day. At least he will be well fed.</p>

<p>Yep, some of us rednecks have advanced degrees. Not all rednecks are ignorant!</p>