Spanish Literature/Latin American Studies

<p>Anyone know the rankings for these programs at the masters and phd level?</p>

<p>can anyone give any insight about the careers pursued by latin american studies majors versus literature majors?</p>

<p>what are the best things for admissions?
do they really expect research in this kind of field?
or are independent studies and study abroad enough?</p>

<p>If you <em>must</em> have rankings, go to phds dot org, and fill out their form, which will require you to indicate your own priorities in terms of ranking programs.</p>

<p>However, you should <em>really</em> search for programs by faculty with fields of interest similar to yours. That's the best way to determine to which programs to apply.</p>

<p>And in answer to your last question, independent studies and study abroad <em>do</em> constitute research. Publications are not expected, but are nice to see.</p>