Spanish music

<p>I guess wisen and yandel isn't that bad...a guy I know is trying to contact their manager to bring them over here for his 18th birthday..thats gonan be a mad party...</p>

<p>Julieta Venegas is also pretty rockin.</p>

<p>Oh, she is.</p>

<p>You guys should try : aterciopelados, los fabulosos cadillacs, caramelos de cianuro, fiel a la vega, cafetacuva</p>

<p>Luis Fonsi is cutesy.</p>

<p>Raggaeton sucks, and this comes from a PR girls</p>

<p>I listen to a lot of Sin Bandera and Voz Veis they're good.</p>

<p>From Sin Bandera (among other good songs):
Que Lloro
Que me alcance la vida
Suelta mi mano
Mientes tan bien</p>

<p>From Voz Veiz (among others)
Aunque sea poco
El Farolito
Devuelveme mi amor
Un pedacito de tu querer</p>

<p>I love Cuban music since I am Cuban and was raised listening to it. I also absolutely adore flamenco music. I recommend the Gypsy Kings if you are like me!</p>

<p>Andar Conmigo by Julieta Venegas</p>

<p>Very sweet song. My teacher made us listen to it during class.</p>