<p>My kid is retaking a science SAT II in June b/c of completion of a higher level of a course. You pay for one SAT II sitting, and you get to take up to 3 tests. I have two questions: 1) Should kid take the Spanish SAT II (non native speaker, but very proficient due to practice---99% on Nat. Spanish Exam III) just b/c it is the same cost? And 2) Can you leave out an SATII (send only 3 out of 4) to colleges---or is it all or nothing? I've heard anecdotal advice of staying away from Spanish SAT II b/c many native speakers take it. </p>
<p>Colleges don’t check all of the SAT II tests that you have taken so it is score choice. The advice regarding the native spanish speakers refer to the harsh curve that comes along with kids taking Spanish, If your kid thinks that he’s really good in Spanish, then I advise that he/she take the Spanish exam, otherwise, no.</p>
<p>However, if a school does not honor score choice (e.g. Yale, Georgetown) you have to send in all your scores. Check each school’s page on standardized testing to confirm.</p>
<p>Also, taking 3 subject tests costs $13 more than 2 subject tests.</p>
<p>Does anyone know the level of Spanish on the SATII? What level should you complete before attempting the exam?</p>
<p>From the College Board:
<a href=“What were SAT Subject Tests? - College Board Blog”>The SAT – SAT Suite | College Board;
<p>College admissions officers know that the SAT Spanish test has a lot of native speakers. If your son is truly amazing at Spanish, a good score (770+) will really make him stand out (more so than, say, an 800 on Math II).</p>
<p>However, if he does not feel 100% confident about his Spanish abilities, he should not take the test. </p>