Special case

<p>Hello all,
I have a very very special case for you all. I want honest opinions (play nice).</p>

<p>My first semester of cc went horribly (2 Cs and 1 B) but its not because I was lazy or depressed or stupid. In the middle of the semester, I had appendicitis and had to have surgery immediately. This was already passed the drop deadline so naturally, I missed class work and some tests that I was not allowed to make up.</p>

<p>Now, from there on I plan on getting straight As which is not that hard for me. The problem is that even with that, I believe my gpa would be a 3.37 at the end of this summer semester (is that the cuttoff point???) and a 3.54 by the end of the fall. If grades were extended to the end of next spring i believe Id have a 3.67 but I dont think that matters?</p>

<p>Here are also some other things you should know:
Major: Psychobiology (IGETC track)
Work Experience: Intern at Cardiology Office Summer 2007 and 2008
Currently work as a Math Tutor 20 hours a week
Special Circumstances: Single Parent Household (Father passed when I was 8)
Schools of Interest in Order: UCB, UCLA, UCSD, UCI</p>

<p>I plan to write my essay on my goals, dreams and how my fathers death from heart attack motivated me to be a cardiologist.</p>

<p>Thanks for your time, I really appreciate guys.</p>

<p>Its probably too late but in situations like that most of my professors would have tried to give me an Incomplete if i had medical problems. Could u try asking the professors that gave u a C to give u an F instead? If you get a F you can retake it for an A and get academic renewal. Otherwise, you might want to stick around for an extra year to boost your gpa. If you want to leave this year, however, you can just sign TAG with UCSD.</p>

<p>you EC’s look really good, but GPA matters a lot.
if you really want to get into berk, ucla, then i agree with jetforcejeminix; stay to raise gpa</p>

<p>when was your first semester of CC/ when are you applying for admission?</p>

<p>I assume you are applying for 2011</p>

<p>If all you took was 3 courses this past semester you probably have 50 more units left or more considering the chosen major. </p>

<p>THe grades that will count will be up to the end of fall, the fall that you apply. I assume you are applying next fall. </p>

<p>UCLA will like the essay angle and overcoming difficult family situations, so you have a shot at ucla even if the GPA stays low.</p>

<p>BUT, you can not predict getting a 4.0 considering that for Psychobio you will have chem, bio, math, and physics to take. You cant predict straight A’s in those courses.</p>

<p>Academic Renewal is your friend! Find out if your school allows it, if so do it now.</p>

<p>academic renewal doesn’t apply to C’s. you need to have received sub-par grades (D / F) to use it. not to mention, two years need to have passed sine the grades were received.</p>

<p>additional info:
I will be applying this fall so I guess they will see my grades up to the end of the fall semester.
I dont mean to sound arrogant but straight As is reachable for me so im going to look at it with a best case scenario 3.54 gpa. Keep the advice coming</p>

<p>PS just to reiterate pinkerfloyd’s point, i cant do academic renewal, it doesnt apply to my situation</p>

<p>This is not really a “special case”</p>

<p>Having an acute appendix will probably keep you out MAX 1 week. I had an acute appendix and I was out of the hospital in 4 days. The fifth day I was back in school. Honestly, don’t put that on your application as a reason why you did poorly. That’s no reason.</p>

<p>But IF you were to raise your grades, I’d say you have a shot.</p>

<p>Oh I shouldve stated this earlier Im sorry. The appendicitis was not an average case. I had an infection and complications after surgery and had to be kept in the hospital until my organs could maintain regular activity. Id say i was out almost a bit less than a month.</p>

<p>there is NO WAY that with a note a CC teacher would not have given you an INCOMPLETE.
get your medical records or a doctors note, go to the teachers and the dean and ask for an Incomplete. Say you did not know an Incomplete was an option.</p>

<p>did you even try talking to your teachers about it?</p>

<p>Im really new to this college thing guys. Help me out here. What would an incomplete do to my grades, how do I get it done, and if I get that done, what would I need to do?</p>

<p>you go and ask for an incomplete, it does nothing to your gpa, it sort of puts it on hold- you then complete the work that the teachers give you and then they assign you a grade.</p>

<p>You just get extended time to finish the course and a medical reason is a great option. </p>

<p>Talk to the dean and to a counselor as well, have your medical stuff with you too. </p>

<p>once you make up the class the I (incomplete) gets replaced by the grade.</p>

<p>If you dont finish by the time you agree to with the teachers or do not hand in the work or do not take the test or do not do something or other that they want from you they can then give you the F/D /C etc grade that they think you earned for the work you have.</p>

<p>is it too late to have it be incomplete?? (were talking about fall semester)</p>

<p>go ask your dean. </p>

<p>they can change grades post factum</p>