specific ccc for ucla

<p>Hey I have a couple questions:</p>

<li><p>Is there a ccc in particular that has a close relationship with UCLA and sends many students there or is there no difference in which ccc you attend?</p></li>
<li><p>Does it matter if you do some pre-major courses at one ccc than finish the rest at another?</p></li>


<li>I don’t think it would be fair if there was a CCC that had an advantage so I’m gonna go with no</li>
<li> It doesn’t matter how many schools you take your pre-reqs or classes at as long as they’re done,especially because one might not be offered at your ccc so you do it at another.</li>

<li>Yes, it’s called Santa Monica College. look into their transfer stats.</li>

<p>I think the most people come from Santa Monica because it is extremely close to the UCLA campus and that makes it more in demand. I don’t think that UCLA has a particular agreement in terms of how many people they are going to let in from that particular community college.</p>

<p>theres also a ton of people who apply which make up for the high number of transfer students</p>

<p>theres like 1500 students who apply to ucla each year compared to 800 at pcc and 400 at gcc</p>

<p>the transfer rates are all relatively the same , 42% ± 1</p>

<li>there is no such difference in which ccc you attend. smc just has a lot of transfer students compared to other ccc. if you look at transfer rate instead of number of transfer students, you will see that smc is about same(maybe slightly higher since most students there want to transfer) as other ccc. </li>

<p>Doesn’t matter what CC you go to.
I guess it depends on your major.
I’m a Comm Major, and I know that El Camino has now all 7/7 pre-reqs offered for Comm Majors who plan to apply for UCLA.
As for all the other JC they have like 4-5 pre-reqs.
UCs want students who fulfill most, if not all, pre-reqs with great grades.</p>

<p>So look through assist.org and search all the city colleges around where you live and filter down some of these colleges that may offer the most pre-reqs for a particular major.</p>

<p>I believe completing the SMC scholar’s program and having a good gpa almost gurantees admission to UCLA</p>

<p>I have a quick question about prerequisites if you don’t mind answering me. The college I currently attend only offers 1 prerequisites out of 4. [ASSIST</a> Report: EVERGRN 08-09 UCB Articulation Agreement by Major](<a href=“Welcome to ASSIST”>Welcome to ASSIST)</p>

<p>I was wondering if that was fine?</p>

<p>SANTA MONICA COLLEGE actually has a huge leg up with their transfers than other CC’s. Check there stats.</p>

<p>Santa Monica College definitely has an advantage over many other ccs
For one thing, a lot of UCLA professors teach at Santa Monica, and UCLA professors are tough. So, a lot of the students are already accustomed to UCLA education.</p>

<li><p>There isn’t a particular school that will help you anymore than others in terms of getting you into UCLA. Anyone who says/believes that it’s true is just a dumbass.</p></li>
<li><p>No, it doesn’t matter where you do the pre-reqs as long as you get them done. You can choose to do them all at one or ten different community colleges. For example, a friend of mine did his pre-reqs at four different schools and he transferred without a problem.</p></li>