Spending money

<p>To all current Miami students (and parents) - What have you found to be a reasonable amount of spending money for a student? I'm not talking books, class supplies, etc. - just "extra" pocket money for food, entertainment, etc. Thanks.</p>


<p>Depends a lot on what your D wants to do as “entertainment” and what she likes to eat. I am not sure if Freshman can have cars on campus this year, I know last year they couldn’t…that is my S major expense so far. OK, at least $100 a week average but again a lot depends on the student. My S eats real healthy so Whole Foods/Publix get a workout, plus Sunset Place for movies, Grove for eating out and some SoBe…He is not real wasteful, but he likes to dress nice and sometimes just need to get some stuff…so he uses the plastic a little. The perception is a lot of money needed for the lifestyle, the reality is far different. Alot depends on how they spend at home, they will tend to follow the same pattern there.</p>

<p>You definitely don’t need $100/week. I work for my spending money and make about $80/week and still have money left over to put away. A typical night in the Grove I’ll spend about 15-20 bucks, I usually go out to eat with my friends once a week so that’s another 15-20. Other than that, movies cost $10, if you have a meal plan you really don’t need to spend much on food. It all depends on how much you go out, but you can definitely survive on far less than $100/week.</p>

<p>Thanks for all the info.</p>