How much do you spend per week at the []_[]?

<p>Not including Dining Dollars, as a freshman, how much spending money is reasonable per week?
personal items...</p>

<p>There’s no set answer for this. It really depends on your kid. My DS hardly spends any money. Eats in meal plan, entertainment on campus. You could also have the other extreme. What are your spending habits?</p>

<p>Have to agree with LINY here, it really depends on the person. I personally am very frugal with some things and not so frugal with others (the aquarium hobby isn’t exactly cheap :stuck_out_tongue: ). My spending also changes on a week-to-week basis, you never know what kind of spontaneous things you’ll be doing on a weekly basis!</p>

<p>If you are interested in Greek life, be prepared to spend some money. My son joined a fraternity, and there were costs involved. However, now that he is in the fraternity, I do not think it will be an issue.</p>

<p>Like people have said, it really just depends on your personal situation. As a current student, I’ve managed to spend minimum amounts of money each month. I try to eat using my meals and dining dollars so I don’t spend extra money but I’ll occasionally go to the mall or get a zip car, so it really depends. If you don’t want to spend a lot of money, don’t worry because you can walk to a lot of places or take public transportation. And there’s always events and free things to do on campus.</p>