sport vs. internship?

Hi, so I currently am doing cross country in the fall season. I have an opportunity to also help out at a law firm (paid), but the owner of the law firm needs me to work something out with my coach. I have yet to do so, but if I can’t miss a couple days a week off of cross country to be able to do the volunteer work, what do I do?

Yes, I know that most of the work at the firm will be scut work, like answering phones, organizing, and I accept all of that. I do believe that I want to be a lawyer.

Thank you for answering!

I would go with your passion. Ignoring the actual role within the law firm, getting exposed to how a law firm operates would be great. Cross Country is also great for the body, mind and spirit. Do things because yo really want to, not because of how you think it will appeal to admissions officers.

BTW- I’d be quite surprised if you can’t work out a schedule with the owner. I own a financial advisory practice and would definitely be flexible with someone in your situation. Also, the Cross Country in a few months so you could even start later.