Sports Administration

<p>What is the reputation of the sports administration program ?</p>

<p>i applied for this program, i’m curious too…</p>

<p>It’s a good program relative to other schools, but an extremely easy major compared to others. That’s not to say you shouldn’t do it if that’s what you’re interested in. The most important thing about Sport Admin is interning, and Miami gives you amazing opportunities to intern. While other schools may have better academic programs (Penn State is one that comes to mind), they don’t offer those same opportunities. I knew kids who interned with the Super Bowl in 07 and 10, the Sony Ericsson Open, the Homestead NASCAR track, and others things, as well as the four major sports teams in the area and the Canes as well. You won’t get that in State College or a similar college town.</p>

<p>I was originally planning to do a major in Sports Administration, but upon taking my introductory class I decided to switch it to a minor. MiamiCane2010 is right, Sports Admin is a very easy major… in fact, I would go so far as to say the intro class I took in the fall was a complete joke, consisting mainly of the most unintellectual students that somehow managed to get into school here arguing (loudly) about contemporary sporting issues. I still love sports, but being a Singer Scholar this class was probably my least favorite because of the lack of useful material covered.</p>