Any thoughts on the Sport Administration Program?

<p>I'm a transfer student from CA and was interested in applying to the U. It's quite difficult to find information on the program on the web and was wondering what you guys think. How are the internships? Is it highly regarded? Thanks.</p>

<p>id really like to know this as well</p>

<p>Are you coming from CA too? Or are you just interested in the program?</p>

<p>Sports Admin Program is one of the best. It’s a small school with a lot of athletes. </p>

<p>I know that a required “course” is an internship in sports. The Uni helps you find an internship with the Dolphins/Marlins/Heat/Panthers/ or the school itself.</p>

<p>I’m sort of interested in this as well, but I’m wondering how practical it would be. It has to be good program since it’s the U. </p>

<p>I might combine it with political science or econ.</p>

<p>It’s a good program for what it is, but the classes are very… not challenging.
I think in general sport administration is just not a very difficult curriculum, so this isn’t a knock on Miami, but the classes can be kind of a joke (depending on the teacher). The internship program is very good though, and that’s the most important factor in getting a job in sports anyway. So many events occur in South Florida, so there are TONS of internship and volunteer opportunities. Although there might be some better programs in other schools, I think for something like this, being in a big city with 4 major sports team, a NASCAR track, Super Bowls, etc, is much more important. No one in the real world cares about the classes you took, they care about the internships you’ve had. That’s what makes Miami’s a good program.
And it’s practical if you want to go into anything sport-related, if you don’t, then it’s not.</p>

<p>What I meant by it being practical, I might how easy it would be to get a job in the sports market…I honesty have no idea how the economy affected the admin sports jobs. </p>

<p>And I figured the jocks majored in this or “interdisciplinary studies”, but I’m sure if they don’t go on to the pros, they would have a leg up on sports jobs because they actually played big time football. </p>

<p>But I’d love to major in this, along with something else. It would be really cool to work for an organization like the Dolphins or something.</p>

<p>The sport industry is probably one of the safest industries in a bad economy. Look around, MLB had record attendance last year, football is as popular as ever. There will always be sport admin jobs and as far as I know, that’s one industry where jobs haven’t really taken a hit.</p>

<p>That’s what I was kinda thinking. The only big time league that lost money was the NBA, but I don’t really like pro bball anyway. Though don’t the Marlins have problems with attendance?</p>

<p>oh well, thanks. not sure what I want to lol</p>

<p>An eye opening perspective on the difficulty of a sports management career was provided by a NY Times article on 4/8/10 entitled, “So You Want To Be A Player”. Does the author’s thesis hold water?</p>

<p>Just read the article S4EYES… his thesis holds some water, but I don’t think it makes any groundbreaking statements. Basically it says you have to work your way to the top and that opportunties are somewhat limited, but thats true in almost any industry. I would argue that the main reason the piece’s main subject was stuck in a mid-level position was that, judging from her background and quotes, she wasn’t particulary ambitious.</p>

<p>She sent out 15 resumes and got a job - that’s NOTHING.</p>

<p>The thing about Sport Admin that a lot of people don’t realize - you don’t go into it simply because you love sports. It’s an industry just like anything else, and it requires LONG hours and crazy demands. The glamour of seeing/meeting <em>star</em> athletes wears off after about 5 days.</p>